Are the eyes of a number 7 cat even real?
20 Animals Who Hit the Genetics Jackpot
5 years ago
As much as different and interesting colors in nature are considered mutations, just like in comic books — not all mutations are bad. Some of them have given us majestic creatures that are captivating in their appearance. Beauty literally radiates from their genes.
We at Bright Side can’t wait to show off these peculiar and just plain gorgeous animals that we’ve found. This time we have 20 creatures to brighten up your day with their exterior.
1. This bearded cat
2. That’s a nice wig! Oh wait...
3. Mother of Dragons, with a mustache...
4. A green-eyed angel
5. You can look, but you can’t touch.
6. Majestic dogs
7. Eyes that hold the entire world
8. Foxes come in all different colors.
9. And the “Fluffiest” Cat of the Year award goes to...
10. These sisters are just plain gorgeous.
11. Lucky girl
12. German Shepherds were never this mesmerizing.
13. Spot the spotted.
14. A smoky eye looks good on everyone.
15. Black and gold python
16. “Who’s that behind me, apart from my ridiculously cool tail?”
17. Is it marble or is it real?
18. Spectacular spectacled bear
19. Touched by night itself...
20. This is no ordinary bird.
Which one of these pictures made your heart beat faster? Be sure to share your thoughts, as well as the pictures of your own beautiful animals in the comment section below!
Preview photo credit thebryguy23 / reddit
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I'd go with this cow to casino to hit the jackpot, really! :D
cute and funny
All are unique. I like #1 & #17 with more unusual.
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