24 Animal Photos That Are So Baffling, You Might Need a Sedative to Look at Them

6 years ago

Pet owners decided to show us their animals in a light we’re not used to seeing them in. These furry friends can cause a lot of trouble without even feeling guilty about it.

Bright Side has collected real photos of pets that will make you both laugh and cry.

The face of regret

This cow was scared of a cat and broke the roof.

“I’ve been a nervous wreck while my dog has been living at my in-laws since I’ve been deployed. I think he’s finally made himself at home.”

“Sorry class, my dog ate everyone’s homework.”

A new yoga pose

The cat that found the stash!

They broke the blinds and couldn’t care less.

“My friend caught the exact moment her dog ran into her daughter and pushed her into the pool.”

“How kind of my cat to rearrange my spice rack at 3:30 a.m.”

When your brain is frozen:

“My cat decided to steal turkey while we were opening presents.”

“So I went to the petting zoo...”

“She looked guilty for a split second, then continued on her rampage.”

“My dog drowning me for my raft”

Mission failed

“Glad YOU found them comfy!”

“The second night this week my 3-year-old daughter has woken up crying...our spoiled cat has stolen her pillow.”

When given enough time...

There goes the dog’s food...

“The flower needed new soil anyway.”

“She must be the center of attention.”

“Woke up to find feathers in the hallway. I’m on the case! The possible victim? A bird.”

“My cat is a jerk. He’s looking out the hole he tore in the curtain himself.”

Little vandal

Do you have any pets? Share what they do in the comment section below!

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