16 Life Hacks That Seem Crazy but Are Actually Handy

In the past, people who stumbled upon mysterious objects would often have to rely on their own knowledge and intuition to determine their purpose. This could be a time-consuming and difficult task, especially if the object was particularly unusual or complex. However, today, thanks to a subreddit with more than 2 million users, with a few clicks, we can instantly connect to experts that can help us solve our puzzle.
Answer: I made it, carved from wood. It’s a traditional Kazakh ladle.
Answer: It’s a tool for polishing drinking glasses.
Answer: It’s to pick up sugar cubes.
Answer: It’s a hat stretcher.
Answer: It’s a cheese holder. Lets you slice cheese without handling the block.
Answer: They are supposed to be a gag gift. You put the rubber part around your ear, and it looks like you have a cotton swab sticking out of your head.
Answer: They go on your key ring, and you use them to open doors or push buttons, so you don’t have to use your fingers.
Answer: It’s an old-school tub plug.
Answer: It’s a woodworking knife. But it can be a multipurpose tool for hobbyists, used to cut linoleum or carve clay.
Answer: They’re called “belly bars” in a lot of places. They’re designed for flower boxes.
Answer: Hangers. So if you pick up dry cleaning, you can hang the clothing instead of risking wrinkles by laying it on the seat.
Answer: It’s an asparagus server.
Which of these items do you have in your household? What would you try to use that double ladle for? Let us know in the comments.