15+ Geniuses Who Added a Fresh Touch to Common Things and Gave Us All the Feels

year ago

As we age, we naturally become creatures of habit, both with our behavior and our thinking.
We may find it to be much easier and emotionally soothing to stick to the comfort of our familiar routines and struggle to shift away from the way we’ve always done things. However, with a little effort, we can train ourselves to think outside the box and look at things from a sideways perspective.

At Bright Side, we love eccentric people, and we prepared for you a compilation of 16 geniuses who were not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and unleash new and innovative ways of thinking.

1. Proving a 6-pack from carbs is possible!

2. “Someone made this backpack after watching Jurassic World 3.”

3. “Crayon drawing by my son tattooed on my arm.”

4. How this person “fixed” their dent

5. “My funny drawing”

6. “My brother’s car is stitched together with washing line.”

7. “A quiet place to play chess.”

8. “These jars in a surgery museum are full of gallstones and kidney stones.”

9. “My little sister got a coloring menu with a ferocious T-Rex and the first thing she does is paint its nails.”

10. “I know, people make magnificent sand castles, but mine...”

11. “My birthday gift to myself: Lego flowers.”

12. “This snake carved into a broken tree in the woods.”

13. “This bicycle rack is a bicycle.”

14. “My sister comes back from vacation tomorrow, so I went to her house and put this in her closet to welcome her.”

15. “I did this at the last chalk festival.”

16. “My literal ’Light’ saber”

Which of the photos did you find the most striking? Do you have your own creative pictures to add to the list? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comment section.

Preview photo credit Snax007 / Imgur


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