15+ Pics Where the Line Between Real and Fiction Was Pretty Blurry

year ago

In our world of app filters, face-swaps, deep fakes, and TikTok trends, the line between reality and fantasy is sometimes hard to distinguish. We have robots that clean our floors, cut our grass, and clean our pools — which used to serve as great sci-fi plots — all available to us today. However, if fictional stories could be embodied in one image, look no further, we’ve got you covered.

Bright Side loves finding content that makes us ask lots of questions, and here are 18 times where we had to rub our eyes and have a second look.

1. “Got a road call today for a flat tire caused by a tire. It’s a tireception.”

2. “So this lizard moved into my microwave clock. I guess it’s his now?”

3. “The calcium buildup in this water pipe we had to replace”

4. “A strange building in the woods spewing foam”

“When a wastewater/sewage main goes under a body of water, it will then come back up into a vented building thing like this. It’ll be under high pressure when it comes out of the pipe, and then it goes into an open system where gravity takes it away (or is pumped again). As the water sprays out, it’ll often foam up. My guess is something drained off into the sewer, which is causing extra foam.”

5. “Hoarding level: pro”

6. “Me standing upright against a wall — I thought the doctor was pulling a prank on me at first.”

7. “Me: does a medium jump

8. “My in-laws are in a bit of a froggy situation right now.”

9. “My sister bought some strawberries. They come with a live prize inside.”

10. “My brain MRI looks like the Grinch.”

11. “Someone made snail sculptures out of old snail shells and they look like something out of Star Wars.”

12. “I’m a gardener and sometimes I come across weird items in garden mulch; however, this takes the cake.”

13. “I can turn my thumbs 180 degrees.”

14. “My husband and I went fishing in the middle of nowhere today. We found this.”

15. “One of our chickens laid this strange egg today.”

16. “The handle broke off my wife’s brush.”

17. “These street benches are made of cement.”

18. “My friend just had surgery for keratoconus. It turned one of his eyes green.”

What would you do if you got stuck in an elevator with your best friend? If you could see the world in all shades of one color, what color would you choose?


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