16 Photos That Can Instantly Boost Your Mood

year ago

We all have our moments when we feel down and need a break in order to improve our mood. That break can include your favorite music, a nice chat with a friend, or a long walk. In some cases, something as simple as a cute picture can make you feel like a brand-new person and give you a new perspective. You might realize that life is filled with moments we often pass by without paying attention.

Bright Side is convinced even more after seeing these 16 pictures that kindness and love still exist in abundance around us.

1. “It took the older woman a few minutes to realize it was still raining.”

2. “My husband lost his wedding ring in the sea. A man went with his snorkel, found it, and returned it to him.”

3. “I proposed to my pregnant girlfriend of 14 years and got a photo of it.”

4. “Our player 3 has joined the game.”

5. “My son dreams of becoming a baker.”

6. “My local library being a bro during a heat wave”

7. “Can’t afford a home or a yard for my kid, so I built one with a pool and a sandbox on our tiny patio.”

8. “Sleeping squirrels in their nest on someone’s window ledge”

9. “People at my local train station leave day passes for other people to use.”

10. “My work leaves out cold water and cups for the food delivery guys.”

11. “These boxes outside with free food for those in need”

12. “My 77-year-old dad sent me his first selfie. I think he’s too cute.”

13. “I really like this photo I took of a calf and her mom.”

14. “This is me (center) with all of my little cousins. Took the same photo about 12 years later and they aren’t so ’little’ anymore.”

15. “I got married today!”

16. “6 years ago, I was homeless, 2 years ago I got married to the love of my life, bought a house, and adopted 2 dogs.”

Where do you turn when you feel down in order to feel better? Is it a pet, a family member, or random stuff online?

Preview photo credit breezeblocks81 / Reddit


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