15 Pics That Prove Life Can Be Scarier Than Any Horror Flick

5 years ago

When we dim the lights, curl up with a warm blanket, and watch our fave horror film, we are sort of ready to get scared. But sometimes life is better at creating horror plots than any Hollywood scriptwriter, and it creeps you out when you least expect it.

1. “My dog was holding a chew in her mouth.”

2. “Woke up to these 2 sharing a laugh on my patio.”

3. “My friend’s cat likes to catch lizards... This one caught him back.”

4. “Mother-in-law just served me this piece of cake...”

5. “I work graveyard at the mall alone, and this was in the middle of the floor at 4 a.m. this morning.”

6. When you open the trash and suddenly...

7. ’"Watch Netflix,’ they said. ’Relax,’ they said."

8. “My son asked for an octopus pancake, and I may have accidentally summoned some sort of Eldritch horror instead.”

9. “Someone please call an exorcist! Oh, wait, that’s my cat...”

10. “My daughter was throwing a tantrum and hid her face under a pillow.”

11. “My dog’s face through her favorite toy”

12. “This thing scared the hell out of me getting into a customer’s car today.”

13. “My daughter pretending to be a ghost at the hospital — probably a poor choice.”

14. “The little ghost I found in my tea seems a bit disappointed.”

15. “My 8-year-old almost made me burn my house down.”

When was the last time you saw something scary? Did you manage to take a picture of the thing that made your hair stand on end? Show it to us in the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit ElectricBOOTSxo / Reddit


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Try to wake up and have your dog staring at you in the eye just a few cm away of your face because he wants to pee... ? that;s scary!


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