The role of chance, or luck, plays a great role in truly unexpected discoveries. Even in science! Let alone mere people who are attentive and clever enough to seize the moment and identify some extremely baffling finds in time.
We at Bright Side have found some of those wonderful people who were able to capture these happy accidents to share them joyfully with all of us.
1. “Here’s where my friend’s wedding ring is.”
2. “A tree carved in the shape of a hand”
3. “My kid has his adult tooth growing in behind his child’s tooth. He’s 6. He also has not lost any teeth yet.”
4. “I was scrolling through Google Maps in my city.”
5. “Wasps have decided to build a nest on my cycling bag that’s hanging in my shed.”
8. “This pepper I grew looks like a Terry Pratchett character.”
9. “This piece of hose was swallowed by a tree at work.”
10. “That look from this fish.”
11. “My car was parked next to my car.”
12. “I saw this last night.”
13. “We had an unexpected visitor at the beach today.”
14. “My watermelon has a heart in it.”
15. “Left an eye print in my glasses after I accidentally punched myself.”
16. “Cleaned a notoriously haunted, repurposed mansion (now a community college) and saw this.”
17. “This window decoration. There are 2 more windows next to it filled with doll heads.”
18. “This roll of TP is way above the toilet. No idea why.”
19. “Vending machine must have malfunctioned and spewed out all of its chips. Unfortunately, the door was held closed by the weight.”
20. “Somebody taped this pork loin roast to the wall of the elevator I was in.”
Has the universe ever shown you its incredible sense of humor? What was the last astonishingly surprising thing it has presented you with?