20+ Pics That Can Light Up Our Day Like Magic

3 years ago

There’s nothing better than a combination of fuzzy images of newborn babies, silly cats, or a dog posing for her maternity shoot. In fact, studies have proven that looking at warm and funny photos of pets can improve your mood and enhance your cognitive performance.

The Bright Side team has searched the Internet for the most heartfelt and uplifting images to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face.

1. “Archie taking his favorite sloth for an adventure”

2. “A maternity shoot for my pregnant foster dog”

3. “Doing their best to cuddle while wearing their cones of shame”

4. “My dog yawing”

5. “My doggo is watching The Office.”

6. “Kitty loves gaming with his dad.”

7. “My father is a big-time gamer.”

8. “We adopted a senior saint named Mikey yesterday and I think it’s safe to say his first trip to Grandma’s went well.”

9. “Gamer kitty”

10. “Threw my dog a birthday party. His friend was MUCH more excited about the birthday hats than he was.”

11. “My wife’s first crochet project, a hat for me, turned into a hat for Daisy instead.”

12. “These 2 have been inseparable since my wife got pregnant. Today’s my wife’s due date. I think our cat knows.”

13. “Dr. Zonkers likes to hug thumbs and be adorable.”

14. “The most photogenic rats I’ve ever owned”

15. “Back home after a morning walk”

16. “Merry Christmas.”

17. “My daughter made her a rat hat.”

18. “One of my boy’s first ultrasounds was a high five. He’s 3 now and still loves high fives.”

19. “My kittens love the sink.”

20. “This is how she begs for my lunch.”

21. “Here’s my buddy, Mylo, and his little Leo, the lion, cuddled up and ready for bed.”

22. “Watching him drink milk melts my heart.”

What was your favorite picture? What kind of fuzzy photos cheer you up the most? Let us know in the comments.

Preview photo credit Illustrious-***-6469/reddit


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