Actually that is a peppermint rose not just a rose that couldn't decide what color it wanted to be. You can see those roses in a lot of gardens.
20 Pics That Prove Nature Can Throw You a Surprise Right at Your Doorstep
4 years ago
Mother nature continues to surprise us every day, and we don’t need to go to a famous Botanical Garden to see it. If we just open our eyes and look around, we can be gifted with its wonders just by looking at the sky or while taking a walk in our backyard or garden. Bright colors, mesmerizing clouds, and weird-looking vegetables are among the things we can appreciate just outside our front doors.
And because what’s beautiful and surprising should be celebrated and shared, Bright Side collected some of the most amazing treats nature gave us.
1. “Ants gutted my almond to make their own almond flour.”
2. This waterfall cloud, called scud clouds
3. “My carrot looks like a Kraken.”
4. “Found these crazy pink and purple seeds inside our runner bean plant.”
5. “Passion flower on my parents’ farm”
6. “This tremendous Chicken of the Woods mushroom I spotted on my walk today”
7. The wind was blowing so hard that the snow started to roll
8. “I love how well this nest is made! It’s a robin’s nest in my backyard.”
9. “The colors on this tree in my backyard”
10. “These black petunias growing in my garden”
11. Black tomatoes growing in the garden
12. “So proud of the big zucchini I grew in my first garden!”
13. An almost transparent leaf
14. “No Photoshop, just the way the sun hit the plants in my garden”
15. A triple flower
16. “Lightning / rainbow / sunset all captured in the same picture I took yesterday”
17. This rose couldn’t decide what color it wanted to be.
18. “An ice storm split a tree in my backyard into exactly 3 pieces.”
19. Mini-frog smaller than a coin
20. “My dad grew a potato that looks like a hippo. A hippotato.”
Have you ever come across some wonder of nature and had the opportunity to take a photo? What was the most amazing thing that nature showed you? Share it with us in the comments below!
Preview photo credit Buford-T-Justis / reddit
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