17 People Who Would’ve Given Half Their Salary to Skip This Day

6 years ago

We all have things we wish hadn’t happened. It would be so cool to have the opportunity to go back in time and correct mistakes we’ve made. But there’s no such thing as a time machine, so we need to do what we can to solve problems in present time. Sometimes these problems aren’t that bad, but other times...we can’t say as much.

1. Looks like the house is made of Play-Doh...

2. “Never again will I eat ice cream!”

3. Free car wash

4. Some tourist’s moment of sadness...

5. Pennywise must be sad.

6. “How can I undo this last action?”

7. This looks like the work of a stubborn bicyclist.

8. That’s one way to freshen up the car’s interior.

9. This is what happened when they decided to cut down all the trees that could fall on the house.

10. Looks like an art installation...

11. Lightning struck the counter.

12. Ice cream dream (or nightmare)

13. “I hate these glass doors!”

14. Just another day at the zoo...

15. They sure got their dose of adrenalin.

16. It looks like the worst and luckiest day at the same time.

17. It’s never too late to buy sunscreen.

Who had the crappiest day? Have you ever been in a situation like any of these? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Please note: This article was updated in January 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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After watching these photos, I think luck is on my side. Who feels lucky today?


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