22 Photos That Prove Anything Looks Better With a Cat Face

4 years ago

A Russian artist is photoshopping cat faces onto other animals and things, and we’re convinced that everything looks better this way. On their Instagram account, “Koty_Vezde” which literally translates to “cats everywhere,” the artist is winning over the Internet by posting adorable morphed photos of cats that we didn’t know we needed so badly in our lives.

We at Bright Side are major cat-lovers who are enamored with this artist’s work. Here are some of our best picks!

1. “Don’t talk to me or my kid ever again.”

2. “If it fits, I sits.”

3. When you realize you’re a hippo-cat:

4. “Paint me like one of your croissants.”

5. How to train your cat — the world may never know.

6. This bunny needs to be protected at all costs.

7. Another hippo-cat

8. The most glorious moth you’ll ever see!

9. Goldfish-cat

10. Nothing to see here, just 2 alpacats hanging out...

11. How we imagine a bad Tinder date would go for squirrels:

12. It’s snowing in purrs!

13. A sheep-cat

14. The cutest thing you’ll see all day

15. How cat lovers should decorate their Halloween pumpkins:

16. “Me looking for abs after doing a push-up”

17. Catto-pard

18. Okay, this is too adorable to handle.

19. A very fluffy flower

20. We wonder what the squirrel cat is laughing at.

21. Grumpy baby Yoda

22. Cat-paste, for sparkling white teeth

Which animal do you think looks best as a cat? Do you have some adorable kitties yourself? Share their photos with us in the comments!


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