The World Went Crazy, and People Managed to Photograph It

3 years ago

We live in a crazy world where the chances of becoming a movie star are higher than the possibility of winning the lottery. And we never stop being surprised at the madness around us.

How often do we think that the world went wrong? Every day we hear about crazy events, discoveries, and news from different spheres. And every time, it seems that there can’t possibly be anything more weird than what we’re looking at.

Bright Side found photos which prove that our life is full of funny madness.

1. Shoes can be used as a weapon.

2. Apparently the hand is on the gas pedal.

3. Finally, a permanent way to wear headphones.

4. A carrot bath

5. Are those for sale too?

6. Good luck getting up there...

7. A happy punishment

8. “The adults went crazy trying to get photos of all us grandkids. I couldn’t resist snapping a photo for myself.”

9. Only horizontal

10. A forest with amenities

11. A green driver

12. Car family

13. Shopping just got a whole lot better.

14. This man knows how to pack a picnic.

15. Having a sample is the only way to know what you’re buying.

16. Be careful, hail the size of tennis balls is expected.

17. An unusual zoo exhibit

18. Hair needs to be dried too.

Which of these photos show the world’s craziness the best? Tell us in the comments.

Please note: This article was updated in February 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit VectorIverson / imgur, Hyy1 / reddit


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