You’d Better Take Your Mom on Vacation at Least Once a Year, and Here’s Why

year ago

For some of us, traveling with our mom doesn’t sound like fun, and we’d prefer to take a spouse, a partner, or a friend when it comes to picking a travel buddy. However, once you learn more about it, you’ll see that going on a trip with your mother has many benefits. So perhaps you should give her a call and tell her it’s time to pack.

1. You and your mom are a ready-made team.

While it would surely take time to adjust to a friend’s habits and preferences during a trip, you and your mom know each other better than anyone else in the world. Whether you’re lying on a beach or hiking, visiting museums, going on a shopping spree, dining at fancy restaurants, or indulging in some nice local street food; we all have different ideas of what a perfect vacation is.

But when it comes to our parents, chances are we share traveling priorities, as parents are the people who showed us what it means to travel in the first place. Just think about it and you’ll probably realize that you and your mom like the same things about traveling.

2. Together, you’ll make memories that actually matter.

No souvenir will replace a blurred selfie with your mom or a pic of you both standing next to a monument and looking weird “without” your legs or heads (because you asked a stranger to take that one). Those clumsy but nice, warm pictures may not feel cool at the moment but later on, you’ll appreciate each and every shot you have because they will bring back those sweet moments you lived together.

When traveling, take your time to create memories that will mean something special to both of you years later. What could be better than having a nice cup of tea with your mom one day while saying, “Remember when we made those pizzas during our cooking class in Italy? Those were the most delicious pizzas I’ve ever had!”

3. A mother-and-child trip is a good chance to catch up.

Even if you live a short drive away from your mom, it’s probably hard to find the right time to really talk to each other. It often happens that we talk to our parents only on weekends, on holidays, or family occasions where we have to share time and space with many people. Go and travel, just the 2 of you, and you will fill that gap by spending days on end together chatting, laughing, hugging, crying and doing all those things you usually fail to find time for.

4. Traveling with your mom is a perfect way to say, “Thank you”.

A loving mother will do everything it takes to make her child happy. Inviting your mom to go on a trip is one of the best ways to give something back. You may not think of it, but traveling with her beloved child may mean much more for your mom than it seems at first glance. If you try to recreate the trips you and your mom went on when you were a little kid, you’ll make her feel happy and nostalgic, and will bring back the most touching moments of motherhood.

5. While traveling together, you’ll get to know each other better and leave your comfort zones.

What is your mom’s favorite dish? What is she reading at the moment? What are her plans for the near future? If you fail to answer at least one of these questions, you and your mother are probably in need of a private trip, just the 2 of you. Spend some precious time together, get to know each other’s secrets, and enjoy your personal time of long, uninterrupted talks.

Doing something neither of you has done before will strengthen your bond even more. Ever thought about doing extreme sports? Try parasailing over the sea and support each other as you share that new exciting experience.

6. Traveling with mom will teach you patience.

Even though the bond between a mother and child is the strongest we can imagine, we belong to different generations and our tastes and opinions differ. We may wake up at different times, prefer different foods for breakfasts and have different ideas about what movie to watch before bedtime. Limited time and unfamiliar space will encourage you to come to a compromise and find the solution that will make both of you happy.

Please note: This article was updated in February 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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Yes, every child should take their parents on a special vacation at least once per year! These are the people that gave you life and love! ❤️


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