15+ People That Brought a Spark of Happiness Back Into Others’ Lives

2 years ago

Kindness is the most radical thing in the world and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. The tiniest gesture, any “oh-it’s-nothing,” can change someone’s day or, maybe, even life. Bonding with a total stranger via tattoos, donating your hair to a good cause, or feeding an animal — it doesn’t matter what you do if, at the end of the day, it puts a huge smile on someone’s face.

Bright Side collected stories of people who were either on the giving or the receiving end of kindness, and we want to share them with you.

1. “I just got engaged to my best friend. A silver lining to a rough year for us and many others.”

2. “2 beautiful, talented, and successful women lifting each other up”

— To the woman in the parking lot who just asked me if I was Carrie Underwood: You officially made my day! © Reese Witherspoon / Twitter

— YOUR day?!?!?!?! That lady just made my whole life! © Carrie Underwood / Twitter

3. “Woody Harrelson helped us move out of our apartment today. Love you, NYC.”

4. “A complete stranger and I got tattoos of each other’s faces.”

5. “Meer seconds after she said yes”

6. “A girl in a wheelchair being lifted to see the front stage at the Escapade Music Festival, Ottawa”

7. “Cut off over 12 inches to donate to Locks of Love!”

8. “Someone left a ’money for nothing’ card at our local downtown train station. No, I didn’t take it.”

9. “My neighbor had a plant potted in a cardboard box, and I had a spare pot, so I dropped one off at her door with a note. The next day, I opened my door to this.”

10. “I’m on a road trip and saw this lovely old lady giving water to a family of ducks who were miles from a body of water on a 101°F day.”

11. “Found and returned a man’s homemade drone and GoPro 8 while diving in the American River!”

12. “These gentlemen make around 1,000 toy tops for the Ronald McDonald House each year.”

13. “I gave a thirsty snake a little drink of water in drought-ridden South Carolina.”

14. “This man allowed a person with special needs he didn’t know to hold his hand on a crowded bus.”

15. “I’ve had a bad month so far, but someone had some cupcakes delivered with a sweet note in them. It made my day!”

16. “3 years ago today, a stranger saved my life. I asked my gaming community for a real-life superhero who would donate a kidney to me. She was a match!”

What unexpected act of kindness have you received or performed? Share your stories with us!

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

Please note: This article was updated in December 2021 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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