For no.25 where or what is Malasia?
20+ Photos Showing the Beauty of Being Mixed-Race
Sociologists found out that mestizos look more attractive and successful to us. One of the reasons is evolution: the more diverse the genetic material is, the more chances a person has for survival, so this person is a better candidate for a relationship and reproduction. We identify such people as probable partners at a subconscious level and this is why our brain thinks that they are very attractive.
We at Bright Side decided to find out if it is really true and collected 26 photos of men and women of mixed race.
1. Japan + America
2. Norway + Thailand
3. Germany + the Philippines
4. Ireland + Italy
5. Ukraine + Tunisia
6. India + Great Britain
7. Germany + Ireland + China
8. Spain + China + the Philippines
9. Jamaica + Syria
10. Ukraine + Hawaii + the Philippines
11. France + Korea
12. Ireland + Italy + Guyana
13. France + Portugal + the Caribbean
14. The Netherlands + Palestine
15. Turkey + Germany
16. The Netherlands + Great Britain + France + Germany + Austria + Belgium + Turkey
17. Great Britain + Pakistan
18. Great Britain + France + Ireland
19. Germany + Great Britain + Japan
20. Ireland + Germany + Israel + Great Britain
21. India + Australia
22. Great Britain + Spain + Jamaica
23. China + the Netherlands
24. Israel + Ukraine + Portugal + Sweden
25. Malasia + Trinidad + India + African roots
26. France + Cambodia + China
Do you think that people of mixed race are more attractive than others? Share your opinion in the comments section below.
FYI, Olivia Munn's mother is Vietnamese not Chinese.
Some of these are just mixed nationality. not mixed race. They are not always the same thing. For example, a person could be white South African and white Swedish. They would be mixed nationality but not mixed race.

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