Ryan Reynolds’ Social Media Proves That Life is Always Better With a Dose of Laughter

year ago

Laughter is the best medicine and in fact, it can have some health benefits as well — a good dose of laughter can reduce stress, relieve pain and bring greater happiness. We can always make room for more joy and humour in our lives. And no one knows this better than Ryan Reynolds. The beloved actor and his wife Blake Lively have a reputation for sharing their laughs on social media, joking about everything from the latest trends to their relationship.

We at Bright Side believe that life is better with a good portion of humour. So we are sharing Ryan Reynolds’ most laugh-worthy social media moments to encourage you to take on any challenges with a smile. And read till the end for a surprise bonus!

1. “Ten minutes in to writing an email to my mom, when I realized there was no phone in my hand.”

2. “I’m really into the whole tiny sunglasses trend. Thanks for your support everyone!”

3. “Still exploring the tiny glasses trend. Got these at Sunglass Hut for 19,000 dollars.”

4. “Thank you @animal_embassy for rescuing this beautiful, big tortoise. And sorry for shamelessly weeping onto his shell. Honestly, it was embarrassing for everyone.”

5. “Early prototype for the Green Lantern mask. People could tell it was an old tissue, so we went with a CGI version.”

6. “I baked this cake for my wife. The icing is glue, ‘cause I’m not a scientist.”

7. “Happy #BestFriendsDay to Jake Gyllenhaal! (Not pictured)”

8. “They said it was a sweater party.”

9. “A special shout out to our children for not ruining everything like they planned.”

10. “Thumb wrestling isn’t always fair. Curiously, my hand is the small one.”

11. “I don’t know where rage like this comes from.”

12. “Wandering around a beach in pajamas, at 7 in the morning is a very specific bucket list item.”

13. “The dog is three weeks overdue for the groomer.”

14. “You can imagine how upset I was to discover this.”

15. “Look, the dog does not understand the basic principles of photography.”

Bonus: Blake Lively loves puns as much as her husband! “I picked a good one. Happy birthday”

What inside jokes do you have with your partner or family? Who do you think is the funniest celebrity on Instagram?

Preview photo credit vancityreynolds/Instagram


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