10+ Crazy Stairs That Can Make Anyone Get Jittery

year ago

These stairs are located in different corners of the world. Some are made of stone or wood, some have railings, some don’t, but there is one thing that unites them — the height and the danger these stairs are hiding will take anyone’s breath away.

Bright Side is going to tell you about the most mind-blowing stairs that require superhero-level bravery to even be stepped on.

Stairs to the Kalavantin Durg fort (India)

The fort itself is a small cave but the stairs leading up to it are deservedly called one of the most dangerous in the world. These uneven stairs are cut into rock that is located close to Mumbai.

It takes about 3 hours to climb all the way up the stairs. Coming back down can take more time because the stairs are always wet because of the fog. There are no railings on these old stairs which is why thrill seeking tourists who like extreme climbing must use tools to stick to the rock in order to not fall down.

A zipped rock

The rock called El Peñón de Guatapé in Colombia together with the stairs leading to its summit has been compared with many things.

For some people it looks like this piece of the rock is sewn up with a thread, other people see a zipper, and then there’s another group that believes it would be the perfect shelter in the case of a Zombie Apocalypse.

Visit China and touch the sky

There is the Tianmen mountain located in the Hunan Province of China. Its name means “The gate to heaven” and it’s not for nothing — the arc was that formed after an earthquake in 263 A.D. looks like one.

It is believed that those who overcome all 999 stairs to “The gate to heaven” will be able to touch the sky and obtain eternal happiness.

By the way, it’s pretty difficult to reach the stairs themselves. They are located on the top of the mountain and travelers and pilgrims have to first get to a certain level by cable car and then overcome 7 miles by car on a winding road which is called “99 turns.”

Forbidden stairs in the Hawaiian hills

The Haʻikū Stairs in Hawaii are one of the most popular routes for tourists seeking something extreme. They attempt the climb despite the fact that entering them is prohibited, that there are police on duty at the beginning of the route, and that they can incur a huge penalty for even attempting the ascent.

Many people come to the island of Oʻahu specifically to see these legendary stairs built by the military in 1942 for laying a communication cable. Since 1987, the Haʻikū Stairs have become a “civilian” route for tourists that are eager to overcome all 3,922 stairs and reach the Ko’olau summit. It would be impossible to reach this goal if a person is not in good physical shape.

A 300 ft high spiral

These stairs can rightfully be called mind-boggling. A spiral that reaches a height of almost 300 feet leads to the summit of the Taihang Mountain. Those willing to climb to the summit that is the height of a 30-story building must sign a document stating that they have been forewarned of the danger and are completely healthy.

People over 60 are not allowed to ascend this spiral staircase because the ascent is not easy and the winds blowing on the summit make the whole construction shake and squeak.

Adam’s Peak

This breathtaking view is waiting for anyone who happens to be in Sri Lanka and dares to climb Adam’s peak. Ascending this mountain is completely safe and many people even go there with children.

Crowds of pilgrims flock to this place to see the sunrise and a stone plate with Buddha’s footprint.

The only inconvenience is that you’ll have to perform the journey at night because going up the stairs in the hot sun can be too much. The night air is cool, it’s quiet, and there are even lanterns along the stairs that light the way to the top.

Just a staircase...and nothing else

The staircase called Voolyberg Tower was built in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant not far from the city Tielt-Winge. A wooden observation deck used to be located in its place but after it had been burned by vandals, the decision was made to replace it with a metal construction.

The engineering studio Close to Bone designed and built the metal construction that floats above the countryside, creating a staircase leading to the sky. The height of this construction is almost 40 feet and its top opens to a view of the famous Hallerbos — a real fairy-tale forest covered with a carpet of bluebells.

King’s Pathway for those who like extremes

The mountain path El Caminito del Rey was built in Spain at the beginning of the 20th century for transporting goods between 2 power stations along the edges of the gorge El Chorro. The pathway got its name due to the presence of King Alfonso XIII at its opening.

Since builders used the cheapest materials, the condition of El Caminito quickly deteriorated and took on the scary name “Death walk.” In 2000, after the tragic death of several tourists, it was closed. But even after that, thrill seekers, as well as, climbers from all over the world used to visit this place anyway. Even a €6,000 penalty didn’t stop them.

Eventually, it was decided to reconstruct the pathway and make it safe for tourists. In spring 2015, El Caminito del Rey was re-opened to everyone.

3,500 stairs to water

A stepwell called Chand Baori that is located in the Abhaneri village is considered to be one of the most ancient and deepest in India. It looks like an inverted pyramid the top of which goes 100 feet deep into the earth. On the bottom, there is a well with murky water.

Local residents believe that the well was built by demons. Historians are more realistic and say that this reservoir was created for collecting rainwater. It also used to protect people from the heat who would gather and sit on the stairs because the air was always several degrees cooler at the bottom.

You can choose any of the numerous stairs to get down to the bottom. The main thing is to watch carefully where you are stepping because there are no railings here and the stairs are pretty steep.

“The Road to Heaven” leads to a tea house

This path leading to the top of the Mount Hua is called “The Road to Heaven.” Its stairs are cut right into the rock, while iron chains serve as railings. Earlier, only pilgrims used to climb this mountain because it is one of the 5 Sacred Mountains of Taoism in China. Today, this Road to Heaven is open for tourists too.

Those who dare to reach the summit will have to climb more than 6,500 feet up. The steep stairs sometimes turn into narrow wooden paths hanging over the abyss. The ascension finishes with a visit to a tiny tea house with a mind-blowing view.

Peek behind the waterfall

You can get to the waterfall called “Devil’s Cauldron” (Pailon del Diablo) in Ecuador by going up an ancient stone stairway. It comes very close to a gorge where water flows with extreme force.

The stairs go through a tunnel with slippery walls that leads straight to the waterfall.

Many tourists who have visited a small deck behind the “Devil’s Cauldron” say that the view is incredible. Just imagine — water keeps splashing on you, there is a huge waterfall in front of you, and you can even touch this white wall of water.

Walking the dead loop

This unusual staircase has already become one of the most famous sights of Duisburg, Germany. Its name is unusual too — “Tiger and Turtle.”

The creators of these stairs offer people a chance to walk along a roller coaster. It’s pretty easy to do it despite the fact that you will have to overcome the dead loop. The length of the stairs is 720 feet.

The highest point of the stairs, which are about 42 feet up, opens to a panoramic view of the city. Additionally, the stairs are lit up in the evenings.

No more than 300 people per day!

In order to reach the mountain peak of Yosemite National Park in California, one will have to overcome a trek along a 6-mile-road, part of which is covered by a cable car.

Park staff don’t allow any more than 300 people to walk on it per day and each visitor is granted special permission. Tourists are required to be physically fit and to have an intense desire to cover the 400 stairs on the almost vertical rope stairway.

A way to the Temple of the Moon

This stone staircase located at Machu Picchu is about 500 years old. It was built by the ancient Incas to be able to reach the Temple of the Moon.

Today, a maximum of 400 people are allowed on the stairs per day. The ascent will take about 2 hours and you’ll have to constantly hold onto the wall. The stairs and the wall here are wet and slippery — one wrong step and you can fall into the abyss of the Urubamba River.

To the top for the stars!

This observatory called Pic du Midi is located in the French Pyrenees. A part of the journey here can be covered by cable car, the other part can only be covered by stairs. Since it’s very cold and strong winds blow at the top, you will have to wear warm clothes.

Recently, they’ve started to offer the opportunity to stay here overnight — scientists have cleared several rooms for those who need rest after their extreme journey.

Which of these stairs would you dare to walk on? Please tell us about it in the comments!

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