Getting plastic surgery is dumb. Only do it if you have to
8 Actresses Shared Their Thoughts on Aging and Being Older
Facelifts are becoming one of the most popular cosmetic treatments to slow down aging. And while many celebrities turn to plastic surgery to preserve their youthful looks, others, like Julia Roberts, have spoken out against these procedures. The famous actress said a few years ago that not getting a facelift was a big risk for her career.
We at Bright Side think that maturing can be a wonderful experience and decided to see what 8 actresses think about the changes that come with it.
1. Reese Witherspoon
During an interview in 2019, the Legally Blonde actress revealed that she doesn’t mind getting older and even prefers being 43 years old over 25. “I just feel like I earned that gray hair and my fine lines. I like ’em.” Witherspoon also explained that because of her many new experiences, she feels very different now than when she was younger, in a good way, of course.
2. Meryl Streep
The Oscar-winning actress is all about embracing the natural aging process. Although Meryl Streep once feared that getting older would negatively affect her career, she left these worries in the past. “My advice: don’t waste so much time worrying about your skin or your weight. Develop what you do, what you put your hands on in the world.”
3. Halle Berry
Halle Berry has accepted a long time ago that she, like every other person in the world, has to get older. But the actress didn’t let this affect her, and now, at 55 years old, she feels better and more at peace than ever. “I’ve always known that beauty is deeper than the physical body you’re walking around in,” Berry said during an interview.
4. Angelina Jolie
Because her mom passed away at a very young age, Angelina Jolie views aging as a victory and is very grateful that she can get older and stay close to her family. “I do like being older. I feel much more comfortable in my forties than I did when I was younger,” the actress said.
5. Rachel Weisz
6. Emma Watson
The Harry Potter franchise star is the youngest person on this list, but that doesn’t mean she has nothing to say about maturing and feeling great in her body. Emma Watson also related to her experience as an actor, saying, “I think the actresses who are really successful are the ones who are comfortable in their own skin and still look human.”
7. Kate Winslet
“What I’ve found is that — to my relief — I’m just going easy on myself. I’m at an age now where things are changing all the time. The skin on my neck is really different now.” Even if Kate Winslet notices the changes her body goes through as she gets older, but she said she has no intention of trying to stop the process.
8. Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore’s positive mindset about aging also influences the way she brings up her daughters, often telling them that getting older “is a luxury” and nothing to worry about. “If we’re lucky, we are all going to age. I just want them to be at peace with who they are and not what they look like. If they are good, cool people; that’s all I care about.”
Have you ever tried an anti-aging treatment? What do you think about aging naturally?
Angelina Jolie, in a bold move against societal norms, has been vocal about her stance on body positivity, challenging the pressure on women’s bodies and embracing her own post-mastectomy physique.

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