Facial and arm hair shouldn't be on there separately but instead should be Body Hair that affects both men and women as compared to facial and arm hair which only affects women. Pruny fingers ?! WTF ?! That's a temporary condition from your hands being in water too long....smh...that's just DUMG to include regardless as it's NOT A BODY FEATURE.
Short thumb and no knuckle sure you can include but both are so rare that they aren't really worth mentioning anyway and neither are something 99.9% of people would care about anyway.
Wrinkles on your elbows ?! EVERYONE HAS THAT !! 100% OF PEOPLE HAVE WRINKLES ON THEIR ELBOWS !! Seriously how dumb is the person who wrote this "article" ?!?!
Tooth gap applies, technically, but is EASILY fixable except for those people that can't afford it. Even for those that can't afford it there's far too many people that have something different about their teeth it's just too common for it to be something that most people would care about. Shouldn't be on the list.
Stretch marks is a good one. Even though it's mostly women that are concerned with their appearance it's very common for them to feel self conscious about them. Finally we have a legitimate body feature people shouldn't be ashamed of !!
Birthmarks are a hot or miss. Generally speaking people don't have a birthmark that ever is an issue for them to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It's only the more extreme cases of the cases where it's on a person's face that birthmarks become more embarrassing. I give this one a 50/50 for being on the list.
10 Body Features That Are Perfectly Imperfect
Whether it’s facial hair or wrinkles around your elbow, these conditions don’t indicate that you’re any less beautiful than anyone else. It’s just something unique that makes your whole appearance more you.
We at Bright Side worship individual beauty and perfect imperfections and would like to share some facts about 10 features.
1. Facial hair
Women and men are born with hair on their bodies, and facial hair is no exception. There is only one thing to remember. Excessive hair growth can be just a sign of hersutism and there are other symptoms like if there’s voice deepening, increased muscle mass and/or male pattern balding.
2. An asymmetrical face
Facial symmetry is found in approximately 2.0803% of the world’s population. This is more of a unique feature than something considered common, so actually the quality is not extraordinary, but a sign of norma.
3. Pruney fingers
Pruney fingers are caused by the natural process of shrinking blood vessels. After spending some time in the water, your nervous system sends impulses to your blood vessels and, in turn, your body responds. The loss of blood volume makes your vessels get thinner and the skin folds.
4. A short thumb
When the finger with its nail is shorter than usual, it’s called brachydactyly. It’s a genetic feature and there’s nothing dangerous about this condition. If you have this feature, it’s a part of your individuality that makes you one of a kind.
5. No knuckle present in your thumb
Sometimes thumbs underdevelop and a joint is missing. It’s not a critical disorder, and if it doesn’t interfere with your life, no surgery is needed.
6. Hairy arms
Many women have wondered if they should shave their arms. It should be totally your own choice because femininity or masculinity can’t be measured by the absence or presence of hair on your body. As for facial hair, excessive hair growth can be a sign of hersutism, which we’ve already mentioned above.
7. Wrinkles on your elbows
Some loose skin around your elbows is absolutely normal and allows your joints to move. During the aging process, the skin in this area can become saggier. Just moisturize it more to slow down the process if you like. Otherwise, having wrinkles around your elbows is a norma.
8. Tooth gap
Perfection is an abstract concept. There are no rules that say teeth shouldn’t have any gaps. It’s just your perception that matters. There are many celebs with gaps in their teeth that are considered beautiful, like Dakota Johnson and Vanessa Paradis.
9. Stretch marks
If you have stretch marks, you’ve likely experienced:
- Growth spurts due to puberty
- Pregnancy
- Rapid weight loss or gain
- Rapid muscle growth
If you started experiencing them, visit your doctor to make sure with a diagnosis.
10. Birthmarks
We can have birthmarks absolutely anywhere, like on the face, eyes, and ears. It’s a part of your individuality. However, you should be sure to take care of their condition, check on their color and shape, and get appropriate medical tests.
Birthmarks can be present at birth or appear shortly afterwards. More than 10 percent of babies have some sort of birthmark.
What do you like the most about your body? What do you think about perfection? Please share your opinion with us!
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I had to wear special braces to get rid of the gap in between my teeth :(
I remember I was so ashamed of this gap and was afraid of smiling. Now I'm way happier
this birthmark on the eye is cool though 😀
I have hair on my arms and I don't even care 😅
i started laughing

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