10 Necessary Skills To Teach Your Child Before They Turn 13

Family & kids
3 years ago

According to this study, kids who have been taught important social skills are more likely to have healthier and more successful lives as adults, thanks to better education, jobs, and overall quality of life. The study proves how crucial it is to teach our kids much-needed skills from an early age so that they can live better as adults, and so that they can be better people in general.

Bright Side truly believes that teaching our kids these 10 important skills will help them become the kind adults we want them to be.

1. How to stand up for themselves and others

One way to teach our kids how to stand up for themselves and others is to secure a “safety buddy.” A friend who will have the kid’s back and vice versa. Another way is to teach your kid to stop rumors from spreading and to stop name-calling. Teaching your kids to reach out to new or isolated students and to make friends with them is also going to help both your child and the child who needs support.

2. Resolving disagreements amicably

Conflicts between kids happen all the time, even between the best friends, so we have to prepare our children for it and make sure they know how to handle it. Teach your child to be able to pinpoint the source of the conflict and then to brainstorm peaceful solutions. We as parents are what our children will base their behavior on, so we need to model good communication and empathy.

3. Responsibility and care

Responsibility is a broad term, it can mean anything from putting away toys and helping with house chores to taking care of a pet. You should teach children that some of their tasks just need to be done, so over time, they can do it because they know it needs to be done, and not because you told them to. That is responsibility, and it’s the key to children being successful in school and life in general.

4. How to work with others

Teaching your kid how to get along and play well with others will help them be a team player and work well with others in their adult life. Learning to work as part of a team will help your child with many social skills, like respect, compromise, tolerance, patience, communication, and empathy. They will also develop confidence and trust in others, and those skills will build a better future for them.

5. Apologizing and forgiveness

Just telling our kids to say, “I’m sorry” is not enough. We need to make sure they understand what they’re apologizing for, and not just saying it by default. They need to be responsible for their actions. On the other hand, forgiveness is a problem for many adults who still have unresolved issues with people in their lives. That’s why it’s good to remind our children that forgiveness is important and that we should do it more often.

6. How to listen and be empathetic

Being a good listener yourself sets a good example for your children. Treating them with respect and showing interest in what they’ve got to say will help mold them into good listeners themselves. The same goes for empathy — showing your empathetic side to your child will give them a good example to follow. Making sure they care for others and providing your kids with opportunities to show empathy will help them understand it quicker and be able to show it to others.

7. How to deal with overwhelming emotions

It’s common for young kids to not be able to handle overwhelming emotions and it’s the parents’ job to guide them through that. We need to take the time to notice and label their emotions, so they can learn to acknowledge them by themselves. We, as adults, should do these things too, as our behavior sets an example for our kids. We should share our feelings with our kids and then show coping and problem-solving skills to them.

8. To accept disappointment

Our children might experience disappointment very early and no matter what it is, they need to learn how to deal with it. Parents have to learn to listen and acknowledge what their children are going through, then provide perspective and seek solutions. Letting them know that disappointments are a part of life and not putting them down, but instead showing belief in them will be crucial.

9. Optimism and self-love

Things like showing kids the bright side of things, appreciating their efforts, and teaching them it’s okay to fail sometimes can build a sense of optimism that they will most definitely need. Self-love is another thing you want your kids to have. Teach them to believe in themselves and see themselves in a positive light. Praise them. You can make a fun game out of it too where you ask them about something they like or love about themselves every day!

10. Time management

You can teach time management to your kid by setting a bedtime and making sure they learn to get in bed on time by themselves, and the same goes for waking up. You could also create a calendar for them, where they can plan their weekly activities and duties. Establishing set meal times is very important, they have to learn that the whole family eats together, and at the same time.

What other skills do you think are necessary for a young child to learn? Share them with everyone else, so we can all work together in shaping our kids’ bright futures!


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i am 12 so i decided to teach myslef.. and i have already done all these


I used to put an alarm as a kid, but my mom kept waking me up before. So I would rebel and stay in bed until my alarm went off (this was like 3-5min later 😂)


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