12 Eerie Stories About People Whose Intuition Saved Someone’s Life

We’ve all likely faced moments when quitting seemed like the only option. Whether it’s heartbreak, betrayal, or losing a job, such experiences can be deeply unsettling. Overcoming them is tough, but challenges have a way of making us more resilient, even if it sounds cliché. On social media, people who’ve strived to turn their lives around have come together to share their inspiring stories. Although they have been through a lot, none of them ever gave up.
People often look up to celebrities and they inspire them to be better. That connection is particularly strong when the idols they adore also manage to endure hardships and never surrender to adversity. It’s the case with Top Gun star Val Kilmer, who despite having lost his voice to cancer, hasn’t lost his will to live his life to the fullest and is more creative than ever. See how he’s doing here.