
What Microsleeps Are and How You Can Beat Insomnia Using a Specific Technique

What Microsleeps Are and How You Can Beat Insomnia Using a Specific Technique
2 years ago

The way life moves nowadays, there are many people who don’t feel rested during the day. They might suffer from insomnia or be stressed while they sleep — or they may not be able to get any shut-eye due to drinking so much coffee. While a mid-day nap would be the ideal scenario, it’s not always possible due to busy work schedules. That being said, our brains might find another way to switch off for a few moments without us even realizing it.

10 Signals Your Body Sends to Tell You Something Is Wrong

10 Signals Your Body Sends to Tell You Something Is Wrong
6 months ago

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent, often providing us with subtle clues when something isn’t quite right. From minor discomforts to more pronounced symptoms, these signals serve as valuable indicators of our overall health. In this article, we’ll explore ten ways your body may be trying to tell you that something is amiss. Content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Seek guidance from your doctor regarding your health and medical conditions.

10 Tips That Can Help You Smell Like a Rose Without Expensive Perfume

10 Tips That Can Help You Smell Like a Rose Without Expensive Perfume
Tips & tricks
6 months ago

There are about 400 different types of receptors in our nose that help us feel different smells, from pleasant to disgusting. Scientists have found that we don’t just use our sense of smell to find out whether food has gone bad or not. Scents help us choose a suitable partner, know the approximate age of a person and understand whether they are sick or not. So, it’s no wonder that many of us want to smell nice. We decided to put together tips that can help you with this.

A Man Claims He Hasn’t Slept for the Past Six Decades, and Had Everyone Baffled

A Man Claims He Hasn’t Slept for the Past Six Decades, and Had Everyone Baffled
7 months ago

How many nights have you tried to stay awake studying or working? We all know how hard it is to get a good night’s sleep, especially when we wake up early in the morning to do our daily work. Well, some «lucky» people can live without sleep. This is the case of a farmer named Thai Ngoc who claims to have gone more than 60 years without sleep and that it does not affect his daily life in any way. Yes, this farmer certainly deserves to be in the Guinness World Records.

10+ Real-Life Stories That Prove We Have the Power to Change Our Lives For the Better

10+ Real-Life Stories That Prove We Have the Power to Change Our Lives For the Better
8 months ago

We’ve all likely faced moments when quitting seemed like the only option. Whether it’s heartbreak, betrayal, or losing a job, such experiences can be deeply unsettling. Overcoming them is tough, but challenges have a way of making us more resilient, even if it sounds cliché. On social media, people who’ve strived to turn their lives around have come together to share their inspiring stories. Although they have been through a lot, none of them ever gave up.

My Fiancé Wants to Cancel Our Wedding Because I Didn’t Choose Him First

My Fiancé Wants to Cancel Our Wedding Because I Didn’t Choose Him First
8 months ago

Cases when a man or a woman calls off a wedding, are not that rare. Infidelity, lies, some accidents and other things may become the reasons for such actions. But not for our today’s heroine. Her fiancé didn’t actually have a lot of reasons to cancel their wedding, and even loved her. But the woman is now complaining that he made a painful decision to do so, and it all happened because of a trifle.

How Sleeping Separately Boosts Relationship Bliss

How Sleeping Separately Boosts Relationship Bliss
9 months ago

Some people believe in the concept of a “sleep divorce,” where couples choose to sleep in separate bedrooms for the sake of better sleep quality. This idea has gained the attention of various individuals, including famous actress Cameron Diaz. “To me, I would literally, I have my house, you have yours. We have the family house in the middle. I will go and sleep in my room. You go to sleep in your room. I’m fine,” she said.

Why We Choose to Sleep in Separate Beds And Now We Are Happier

Why We Choose to Sleep in Separate Beds And Now We Are Happier

For the past 8 years, my husband and I have been living together, but interestingly, we’ve chosen to sleep in separate bedrooms for about 7 of those years. This decision doesn’t stem from frequent arguments or having children (as we don’t have any). It’s simply because we prefer it this way. When you establish your own rules in your marriage, you might encounter societal stereotypes that make you question whether you’re doing things wrong.

If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives

If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives
year ago

Millions of people around the world go out on the streets and rooftops to look at the amazing cosmic phenomenon. Another planet... right next to the Moon! A big red one. At first, everyone’s excited. Mars showing up out of nowhere is having a strange effect on humanity.Just as the moon can affect the psychological and physical state of some people, Mars’s unexpected visit is causing people to behave pretty strangely. Every night, the sky is lit up by the white light of the Moon and the red glow of Mars.Many people get a sort of instant insomnia. Some even stop drinking coffee because they no longer feel sleepy. Mars brings out the energy and a little wildness in people, makes them laugh more, and even drives a few poor people crazy. They begin to go out of their houses more often and enjoy the unusual night sky.

Much of What You Heard About Sleep Is Just a Myth

Much of What You Heard About Sleep Is Just a Myth
11 months ago

Does hitting the snooze button give you extra time to rest? Uh-oh, myth alarm! Not only is it untrue, but hitting the snooze button can also reduce your sleep quality. Those 10-minute intervals of sleep you get aren’t the good type of sleep. It’s fragmented. If anything, it will make you feel more tired during the day.

What It’s Really Like to Sleep in Space

What It’s Really Like to Sleep in Space
year ago

When you think of astronauts going to space, you probably imagine those cool things they can do up there. First of all, it’s flying like a superhero all the time! Astronauts hold on to rails and use their arm strength to move among modules. It probably takes some time to get used to this way of moving around, but in a couple of months in space, they can become real acrobats!

10 Amazon Products That Are the Problem Solvers You’ve Been Looking For

10 Amazon Products That Are the Problem Solvers You’ve Been Looking For
year ago

Looks like those who have a penchant for the latest technological gadgets aren’t just after the thrill of showing off their status. No-no, they have a deeper motivation: the desire to explore cutting-edge technology that can boost their competence to new heights. Just think about it — imagine having all the latest kitchen gadgets at your disposal. The possibilities for culinary creativity are endless! From cooking up a storm to crafting delectable pastries, you could transform into a true kitchen virtuoso.But this is not just limited to the culinary realm. These gadgets can take your skills to new levels, regardless of your field. With each new innovation, you can uncover new opportunities and reach your full potential like never before. So don’t hold back — embrace the power of technology and unleash your inner brilliance!

Science-Backed Life Hacks to Solve Your Sleeping Problems

Science-Backed Life Hacks to Solve Your Sleeping Problems
year ago

Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health, and finding the right sleep position can make all the difference. Different sleeping positions can impact our sleep quality and alleviate various problems. In this article, we’ll explore the most popular sleeping problems and what sleeping positions can help you achieve a better night’s sleep.

If You Have Trouble Falling Asleep, These 8 Great Products Can Help You

If You Have Trouble Falling Asleep, These 8 Great Products Can Help You
year ago

Your sleep quality can affect everything the next day. Your mood, your productivity, and much more. So, it is very important to get a good night’s sleep. You might have insomnia or become sleepless from scrolling on your phone for hours. We searched through some products that can help you get quality sleep at night. Let’s take a look at the products we found.

30 Items Under £25 That Will Finally Turn Your House Into a Home

30 Items Under £25 That Will Finally Turn Your House Into a Home
year ago

Not all people have a perfect design style or perfect taste. But it’s not a big problem if you know which things are able to turn your house into a welcoming home. People shared what helps them add coziness to their spaces, and it turns out it’s all about mood lighting, texture, intimate spaces, scented candles, and family photos. We analyzed some budget-friendly options and listed the best of them here to help you inject some cozy vibes into your place.

The Love Hormone: What Makes You Fall in Love

The Love Hormone: What Makes You Fall in Love
year ago

Love is an open door! All you need is love! Can’t help falling in love with you! I bet you’ve all heard these songs before! The main idea behind them is the same; it’s that love is the greatest feeling of them all — even though sometimes it might break your heart. But you know what? Love has actually nothing to do with the heart but everything to do with the brain! So, join me as I explore the science behind this feeling which makes people write songs, paint masterpieces, and do all sorts of crazy things!

What It’s Really Like to Sleep in Space

What It’s Really Like to Sleep in Space
year ago

When you think of astronauts going to space, you probably imagine those cool things they can do up there. First of all, it’s flying like a superhero all the time! Astronauts hold on to rails and use their arm strength to move among modules. It probably takes some time to get used to this way of moving around, but in a couple of months in space, they can become real acrobats!

If You Wear Same Pajamas for 2 Days, You Won’t Now

If You Wear Same Pajamas for 2 Days, You Won’t Now
year ago

Try not to wear the same pajamas for several nights in a row. Otherwise, bacteria and the skin cells your body sheds will collect in your clothing. And then, even if you regularly wash and change your bedding, it won’t stay clean and fresh for long. Your pajamas will transfer all that yucky stuff to your bedsheets.Plus, people often sweat while sleeping. Their sleepwear absorbs all that sweat. And this creates a perfect playground for bacteria. They adore dark, moist places. And nothing will make them happier than producing bad smells and disturbing your sleep!

Naomi Watts Openly Shares Her Unexpected Menopause Journey

Naomi Watts Openly Shares Her Unexpected Menopause Journey
year ago

Thanks to the upsurge in female health advocates and some vocal celebrities, the stigma and mystery surrounding menopause are finally starting to fade away. One of those famous female stars is gorgeous actress Naomi Watts, whose experience with menopause has not been an easy one, but she’s decided to share it with the world and raise awareness of this natural life transition that every woman will encounter sooner or later.

6 Warning Signs That You Are Lacking Vitamin D

6 Warning Signs That You Are Lacking Vitamin D
2 years ago

Around 1 billion people worldwide are estimated to have a deficiency in vitamin D. The number is massive, and this deficiency can lead to many health issues that usually require people’s immediate attention. Of course, these symptoms aren’t caused solely by this deficiency, but it can be one of the many reasons. Whatever the case, you should always consult with your doctor if you feel you have any of the symptoms we mention below.

11 Amazon Gadgets to Help You Fall Asleep

11 Amazon Gadgets to Help You Fall Asleep
2 years ago

It happens that you come home dead tired, lie down in the long-awaited bed, and... can’t sleep. Meanwhile, lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight and age faster. It also makes it difficult to deal with emotions and makes you feel terrible.

What Might Happen If You Take a Cold Shower Every Day

What Might Happen If You Take a Cold Shower Every Day
2 years ago

Although nothing sounds as appealing as a relaxing hot shower after a busy day, taking a cold shower might be actually much better for you. The ways cold water benefits your health and your beauty goes way beyond a wake-up call in the morning. And, in fact, it can even help you fit into your skinny jeans much faster.

Why It’s Better Not to Sleep With Your Phone in the Same Room

Why It’s Better Not to Sleep With Your Phone in the Same Room
2 years ago

For most of us, our phones are the last thing we look at before going to sleep and the first thing we see when we wake up. Although it’s very convenient to use your phone as an alarm clock and check the news before going to bed, this habit might actually disrupt our sleep and affect our health in many surprising ways.

6 Reasons to Eat Dates Every Day

6 Reasons to Eat Dates Every Day
2 years ago

Known as an excellent natural sweetener, dates are a delicious and nutritious snack that can benefit your health and your beauty in many ways. Thanks to their chewy and sweet flavor, dates are just as tasty as sugary sweets, but way better for you. In addition to being a healthy substitute for candies and chocolate, dates can improve your digestion and even make your labor shorter and easier.

6 Reasons Why You Can’t Get a Good Night’s Sleep

6 Reasons Why You Can’t Get a Good Night’s Sleep
year ago

Tossing and turning at night is a common experience that many of us have encountered. Sleep is crucial for maintaining our health and overall well-being, but for numerous individuals, achieving a restful night’s sleep can be a daunting task. It’s not as simple as just avoiding a late-night cup of coffee; seemingly harmless habits can also interfere with our ability to fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling refreshed. At Bright Side, we understand the struggle of sleepless nights, and we decided to delve into the potential causes behind this common issue.First and foremost, it’s essential to emphasize the significance of sleep. Sleep is not merely a luxury but a fundamental necessity for our bodies and minds. It is during sleep that our bodies engage in critical processes such as repairing tissues, consolidating memories, and regulating hormones. A lack of sleep can have severe consequences, including reduced cognitive function, mood disturbances, and an increased risk of chronic health conditions.For many individuals, falling asleep quickly remains a distant dream. The ability to drift off into slumber is influenced by a myriad of factors, including stress, anxiety, and lifestyle choices. While some people can seemingly fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow, others may toss and turn for hours before succumbing to sleep’s embrace. Understanding the obstacles to a good night’s sleep is the first step in addressing this issue.We undertook some research to uncover the potential culprits behind sleep difficulties. This research likely involved investigating common sleep disruptors and offering practical solutions to combat them. Bright Side’s commitment to addressing this issue highlights the importance of promoting healthy sleep habits and improving overall well-being.

What Can Happen If You Start to Take Baths Every Day

What Can Happen If You Start to Take Baths Every Day
2 years ago

Our bodies are made up of 60% water, and it’s only natural that spending time in a tub of water has health benefits. Even though you probably don’t have the time or desire to make it a regular habit, taking baths has both mental and physical advantages. And it is highly advisable to spend time sudsing up in your bathtub 2-3 times per week. However, if you have any skin conditions or allergies, consult your doctor first before making any changes to your habits.

10 Plants We Should All Have at Home to Improve Our Health

10 Plants We Should All Have at Home to Improve Our Health
2 years ago

Plants are essential for life on our planet since, through photosynthesis, they produce a good part of the oxygen we use to breathe. However, this is not the only function of these wonderful, living things. Some of them are also capable of cleaning the air, scaring away insects, curing respiratory problems, and even lifting our spirits.

12 Endearing Secrets People on Reddit Revealed to Be Keeping From Their Partners

12 Endearing Secrets People on Reddit Revealed to Be Keeping From Their Partners
2 years ago

Someone turned to Reddit to ask, “What’s one thing your partner doesn’t know?” and the replies quickly took a wholesome turn. Instead of exposing ugly truths, various users opened up about the kind acts they do or have done for their significant other without them knowing. Each story radiates love in its purest form, and it’s tough not to get teary-eyed.

7 Tips That’ll Help You Fall Asleep Like a Baby in No Time

7 Tips That’ll Help You Fall Asleep Like a Baby in No Time
2 years ago

The benefits of sleep go further than being well-rested. It is a vital part of a healthy immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other functions. It can also help you lose weight and strengthen your heart. So it is definitely one thing that we should pay attention to and make sure that we’re getting enough of it.

8 Foods That Not Only Heal Your Body but Also Boost Your Mental Health

8 Foods That Not Only Heal Your Body but Also Boost Your Mental Health
2 years ago

Healthy foods are not only healthy for your body, but also for your mind. Your mind and body are more connected than you might think. They practically interact with each other through the nervous system. When you feel stressed, your brain will tell your gut, and this can impact your mood and energy level. That’s why, if you often feel moody or nervous, it’s time to take a look at your daily food intake. You might be surprised at the impact healthy foods can have on your overall mental health.

7 Surprising Habits That Keep You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

7 Surprising Habits That Keep You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
3 years ago

Although a poor night’s sleep can affect your health, your looks, and your overall quality of life, 35% of adults sleep less than 7 hours per night. While worries and stress can mess with your brain and add up to restless nights, there are some daily habits we can work on in order to get better sleep.

How to Choose the Right Scents for Your Home and Why It’s Important

How to Choose the Right Scents for Your Home and Why It’s Important
year ago

You’ve probably encountered a smell that triggered a memory or a strong feeling. Maybe the scent of fresh grass reminded you of outdoor adventures from your childhood, or a waft of a certain perfume made you think of a loved one. Fragrances are very powerful tools that activate memories and emotions, and they also have the ability to affect our mood and health.

How to Stop Racing Thoughts That Keep You Up All Night

How to Stop Racing Thoughts That Keep You Up All Night
3 years ago

Here it comes again. You lie in your bed with your eyes wide open, and thoughts start running through your head at the speed of sound. A relaxing bath, a glass of warm milk, counting sheep — nothing helps you to jump off this crazy carousel of thoughts. Even those of us who have no sleeping problems can sometimes feel anxious or stressed out, and that’s when our racing minds attack us. But don’t worry, there are ways to win back your sound sleep.