Arianna Grande's fashion style gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME!
10 Things From the Past That Paved the Way to the Present
Fashion trends are cyclic — they make their way from their first appearance to their peak of popularity and then go down and finally disappear. Some of them can make a comeback after several decades or even centuries. The main thing to note is that we never know when they’ll make their unexpected return, whether it be in the next year or in another century.
We at Bright Side decided to find out what surprising tendencies from the distant past have become sought-after again. The bonus feature at the end will show you a simple print that those fond of classical art will like.
Bib collars
These specific oversized Victorian-style collars made a loud comeback in 2020. In fact, this detail is turning into an important independent element of many outfits. Collars with embroidery, floral embossing, as well as ruffles and lace are becoming the most popular.
These huge doll-like collars are better to be balanced by something modest, calm, laconic, and elegant, like classic pants, high-waisted jeans, understated miniskirts, or one-color leather shorts of a basic palette. You can see such design solutions among popular bloggers.
More and more celebrities are now using wigs for going out and for glamour shots. If earlier, this accessory helped to hide dirty hair and bald patches, today, they’re a perfect solution for those who like to change up their look and not torture their hair with extra hairspray, dye, and whatever else.
Men’s footwear with high heels
It’s hard to believe, but modern men are starting to wear high heels again. And it’s happening right at the time it’s supposed to — during an epoch where men shy away from traditional masculinity.
In fact, historically, high heels are a basic element of men’s footwear. In the first third of the seventeenth century, a new aesthetic known as Baroque gradually became dominant in all spheres of visual culture in Western countries, and high heels began to timidly manifest themselves in 2 variations. As fashion experts suggest, they first appeared as a functional detail of boots and got their firm position in military uniforms. It then became an important element of the secular suits worn by noblemen.
Push-up bra
Every modern woman knows what a push-up bra is. And as it turns out, special inserts that are placed over the breast area have been used in ancient times, too!
For instance, look at the push-up bra that the noble ladies of the beginning of the last century were using. Thanks to this, along with a corset, the breasts could be visually enlarged by several sizes.
Hats of various styles and colors have been sought-after among the female population for a very long time. Today, this accessory is gaining popularity again. And while looking at some of them, it seems that they have a lot in common with the kinds that used to be considered extremely attractive a while back.
Puff sleeves
Puff sleeves are another trend re-emerging in our wardrobes. Inspired by the Renaissance, this style has triumphantly made a return to the world’s catwalks and the hearts of many fashion-lovers. Besides that, these sleeves look very feminine, don’t limit movement, and are incredibly comfortable.
Fashion-mongers have already started to use corsets, not only as a body shape correcting tool but also as an independent element. It can make either a slender woman or a curvy girl look tender and sophisticated. Today, corsets can be worn not only for social events but also in everyday life.
The bustle became popular at the end of the nineteenth century. This is a pillow-shaped thing that was placed under the back of a dress, below the waist, to give more volume to the body. Today, some brands also offer skirts and dresses with special inserts that visually enlarge the backside.
Pink blush
Noble ladies would abundantly use face powders and pink blush on their cheeks in the eighteenth century. Today, this shade is gaining more and more popularity and is believed to give the face a youthful, refreshing glow. Moreover, pink blush can be safely used as an eyeshadow as well.
Bonus: prints with paintings
Raphael, Titian, and Leonardo — is there anyone who doesn’t like Renaissance paintings? It seems many designers and stylists think the same way so they decided to support the world’s cultural heritage by creating special Renaissance-themed looks. Some celebrities have already tried on these extraordinary prints with elements of old paintings, while some attractive new items can also be found in mass-market stores.
Are you waiting for any old trends to make a comeback today?
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