10+ Tips That Could Improve Every Woman’s Safety

Tips & tricks
3 hours ago

Imagine walking down the street, getting a delivery, or hopping into your car when a stranger suddenly seems a little too friendly. While most people have good intentions, it’s always smart to trust your instincts. A simple lie or asking for their identity might help keep you safe if something doesn’t feel right.

1. Always mention that you’re meeting or waiting for friends.

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This is a handy trick when you feel safer in numbers. If you’re sitting alone in a public place, pretend you’re waiting for friends. Traveling solo? Say your friends are in another part of the bus, train, or plane. Even when getting a taxi, you can mention you’re heading to meet friends or family. This lets the driver know that people are expecting you.

2. Give a different version of your work schedule.

If someone’s asking too many questions about your routine, a simple trick is to stay vague. For example, if they want to know when or where you work, just say your schedule is always changing or you switch offices a lot. This way, they won’t know where or when to find you.

3. Position yourself between the elevator buttons and the door for easy access.

This simple trick gives you an easy way out if you feel uncomfortable in an elevator. If someone you don’t want to ride with steps in, just press the button for the next floor and get off. It’s a quick way to avoid any awkward or uneasy situations while using the elevator.

4. Mention that you live near a Walmart.

If someone shares their personal info, you’re not obligated to do the same. If you’d rather not say where you live, just mention being near something common, like a Walmart, gas station, or hotel chain. These are everywhere, so it keeps things general without giving away too much. You can tweak it to fit your situation!

5. Let the repairman know you share the home with others.

If a repairman starts asking too many personal questions, a simple trick is to act like you’re not alone. Mention that someone is with you or on their way. This way, they know you’ll have company if they ever try to return. Also, don’t forget you can always check their ID and call the company to confirm they were sent. It’s a good way to stay safe and be sure everything is legit.

6. Use a man’s name when ordering food for delivery.

When a stranger comes to your door, like a food delivery person or a handyman, it’s smart to stay safe. One simple trick when ordering a takeaway is to use a man’s name. This can make the delivery person think a man lives there or that you’re not alone when they drop off the food. It’s a small step that can give you extra peace of mind.

7. Keep a flashlight and some salt in your purse.

Salt isn’t just for cooking, it can protect you in emergencies too. If a dangerous animal, like a dog, approaches, throwing salt at its nose or mouth can slow it down, giving you time to escape. A powerful flashlight is another smart item to carry. It’s better than a phone light at night and can be used to blind or strike an attacker or signal for help. These small tools could make a big difference in staying safe.

8. Activate your car alarm to draw attention in an emergency.

If you ever feel uncomfortable in a dark, empty parking lot and see someone near your car, try setting off your car alarm with your keys. The sudden noise will likely startle them and draw attention, helping you stay safe without directly confronting the person.

9. Keep your bag on the side away from the street.

We all get distracted sometimes, and no one can be on high alert every moment. Ideally, you’d spot danger early and have time to react, but if someone tries to grab your bag, the safest choice is to let it go. To avoid this, always keep your bag on the side away from the street. This makes it harder for someone to snatch it. And if you notice a suspicious person or vehicle, move your bag closer to a wall.

10. Act like you’re a foreigner and pretend you don’t understand the language being spoken.

If you’re dealing with street harassment, one smart way to handle it is by pretending you don’t understand. Instead of reacting, just act confused. Walk away, shrug, and maybe say something in another language. This can help stop the attention without making things worse.

10. Attach bells to your hotel doorknob for extra security.

If you’re staying in a hotel or dorm, a simple safety trick is to hang an alarm on your door handle. If you don’t have one, you can use something like a few bells or an ironing board. If someone tries to open the door, the sound will alert you, helping you feel more secure.

Burglary is a serious issue, and many homeowners lose valuable items as a result. Since burglars often scout their targets in advance, it’s important to know the warning signs. If you’re worried your home could be at risk, take a look at this article for what to watch out for.


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