11 Tiny Details in the Kitchen That Could Reveal Poor Housekeeping Habits

4 years ago

The kitchen is one of the most visited places in the house. Everyone gets so used to its look that they don’t even notice the tiny details that might spoil it. It’s too time-consuming to do a general cleaning frequently, but if you follow these simple rules, your kitchen will always look wonderful.

Bright Side offers you a chance to look at your kitchen with a critical eye and correct the things that make it look messy.

1. Storing products and other stuff on open surfaces

The issue of storing products and other tiny things in a big kitchen is just not there, but it’s a totally different story when the kitchen is small and everything is in sight. Here is a way out — use the same style of storage containers. Jars for spices and bulk products, containers for medicine, and everything that is visible should be one style and color that matches your kitchen.

Moreover, storing products in closed jars will protect them from bugs and pantry moths. Additional shelves can be made in deep drawers to increase the storage area.

2. Pottery

Broken dishes should either be restored or thrown away because they will spoil the overall look of your kitchen. Not to mention that the cracks in these dishes collect dirt and microbes. This is the reason why public catering rules forbid the use of cracked dishes.

Also, make sure to get rid of scratched plasticware that has lost its look, enameled burnt bowls, and old wooden kitchenware. Wooden spatulas and mixing spoons need to be changed frequently.

3. Sink

In order to get rid of the endless piles of dishes in your sink, count how many sets of plates, forks, and spoons your family requires, and remove the rest. Then you will be less tempted to go grab a clean dish instead of washing the dirty ones.

After washing the dishes or cooking, the sink needs to be cleaned and, preferably, dried with paper towels. Food debris and a humid environment in the kitchen sink are a hotbed for germs and fungi, so make sure to clean the sink 2-3 times a week with a cleaning agent.

4. Storing detergents

A washing machine is often located in the kitchen in apartments with a small bath in Europe. Next to the washing machine, there are usually various laundry agents like washing powder, fabric softener, and bleach that are visible to everyone. Moreover, these agents smell and it can be harmful to breathe them in. You can always move all of these to be under the kitchen sink, but there is usually very little space because the trash can and cleaning products for the kitchen also need to be stored somewhere.

If the garbage bin is small or is located in a different place, you can install a thin railing under the sink and hang bottles with atomizers, brushes, gloves, and rags on it. That way, you will create extra space for storing laundry items.

5. Kitchen table

Oftentimes vases, sugar bowls, spices leftover after food delivery, napkins, tea bags, and much more remain in sight. These things make the kitchen table look cluttered and we get used to seeing it like this every day.

The spices leftovers after food delivery can be placed in small jars and kept closed. Cookies and bread should be stored in special kitchen units. All the extra dishes should be put in their proper place. Also, make sure to check the cleanliness of the sugar bowl and salt shaker regularly. This won’t take a lot of your time, but the results will be visible instantly.

6. Sponges and rags

Sponges and rags are a must-have in any kitchen. You can get a beautiful container for your sponge. The rag should always be dried, but not on the tap. First of all, it looks awful, second, if the tap is not made of high-quality and expensive plumbing materials, it might get covered with tiny rust spots.

You can also consider adapting the place under the edge of the sink, making a small niche there for storing sponges and rags. If this option is not possible, then they need to be washed, dried, and changed frequently. According to research, 86% of sponges and rags contain yeast and mold. Experts recommend changing the sponge no less than once a week.

7. Cabinet doors

If the kitchen lacks a powerful hood, but you often cook and fry something on the stove, then the cabinet doors will quickly become covered with a touch of grease. It’s especially noticeable on glossy surfaces. Wipe them more often in order to not have to spend your entire weekends cleaning the cabinets.

The door of the cabinet with the trash can suffers the most. If it doesn’t have a special opening mechanism, it is usually opened with wet and dirty hands. There is one small secret: hang this door a bit lower than needed and you’ll be able to open it with your leg.

8. Kitchen textiles

Look at your kitchen apron or fabric pot holder with fresh eyes. If the apron is covered with greasy unwashable stains and so are the potholders, it’s time to say goodbye to them. Sew yourself a new apron and new pot holders, or buy them. It doesn’t require much money, but your kitchen will look much better.

9. Post-it notes and other paper

Numerous post-it notes that are left for family members and stuck to the fridge, cabinets, and other visible places, usually get unstuck, turn yellow over time, and give an unkempt look to your kitchen.

Try using a special magnet board for erasable markers that can be fixed to the fridge or the wall, instead of paper. It will help you keep all of your reminders and messages in one place.

10. Kitchen window

Make your kitchen windows look beautiful. Take away the little things like pens, books, and chargers from the windowsill. If there are flowers on your windowsill, make sure to keep the ones that don’t require intensive watering, otherwise the humid environment might attract flies. A clean look for the kitchen window is one of the elements that creates an overall impression about the kitchen in general.

11. Fresh air

Air your kitchen out as often as possible, especially while cooking. If you are cooking seafood or frying something without a hood, make sure to close the door or open the window. An aired out kitchen is a big plus when it comes to cleanness and your own health.

What other tricks for keeping your kitchen clean do you use? Please share them with us in the comments!


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We definitely need some fresh air in the kitchen :) With all those smells and stuff it's crucial


I love cooking and I cannot stand a dirty or untidy kitchen. That is actually the main reason I hardly ever leave my husband to it :P


This is one thing I often see people get wrong, seems like being tidy in the kitchen is a difficult thing for most people (that I know at least)


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