11 Tried-And-True Cleaning Products That Will Remove Annoying Eyesores From Your House

11 months ago

If keeping your house sparkling clean takes much time and energy, try these 11 Amazon gems that will turn challenging household chores into a piece of cake. Say goodbye to stubborn stains, mold, pet hair and bad odors without spending endless hours brushing and scraping. Amazon customers have already tried these items and shared their impressions (supported by awe-inspiring before and after pics) to make your choice easier.

1. Forget about mold and mildew with this wonder-working cleaner gel. This gel with powerful formula clings to tiles and silicone sealant around windows, sinks, bathtubs, shower-heads and other items and removes mold penetrating deeply into its roots. Just look at the amazing before and after photos that happy customers share in their reviews. It looks like magic!

2,700+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This product is amazing. I have lines of black mold on the bottom of my shower and on a portion of the kitchen sink that have been there way too long. I was skeptical of this product as they don’t always work as advertised. But this one beat expectations.
The worst parts at the bottom of the shower did require two applications, but you would never know there is any mold there now. It is easy to apply, just wait a couple of hours and wipe it up with a paper towel. I highly, highly recommend it. @Julie S

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2. If you have pets, then this pet stain and odor remover is a must-have for your household. This spray kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft surfaces, leaving your carpets and furniture clean and fresh. The best thing about this product is that it not only removes the stain itself, but eliminates the unpleasant odors. Pet accidents won’t be a problem if you have a bottle of this spray within easy reach.

10,100+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This cleaner works great for my cat’s messes. He pukes up hairballs and sometimes grass, and it cleans it right up. And I also love it how it sanitizes the surface! It gets all the stains out. It’s the only cleaner I use on my carpet. I highly recommend it! @david goss

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3. Hair is another pet-related problem that many of us face. This small hair removing tool can make a big difference, just try using it and you won’t be disappointed. Its three edges have three kinds of teeth for different cleaning modes, making it easy and fast to get embedded fur out of your carpets and furniture. The unique ergonomic grip design of the tool makes it easy to hold it and remove pet hair from surfaces at different angles. It’s lightweight, so you can easily take it with you if you need to clean your car seats.

12,200+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Where has this little and simple tool been all my life?! You need to understand that the cat and dog fur battle in my house is daily, and I never seem to win. Now that I have this, I think it’s actually possible for my velvet couch to look like it did when it was first delivered to my house. And I can sit on my own couch without having to constantly run the hand vacuum. This tool is life changing and a must-have if you battle with fur every day. @M. Lee

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4. Keep your silver items in mint condition with these cleaning wipes. Thanks to their unique anti-tarnish formula you can safely use these wipes on jewelry with diamonds or precious gemstones. The non-scratch formula leaves behind a protective coating that prevents tarnish from reforming on your silver items, so you won’t have to clean them as often as you used to. The package also includes a polishing cloth for a finishing touch.

3,600+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My jewelry became tainted from swimming in a pool. I frantically did some research on what to do, and this product came up. As soon as I started polishing my ring the taint came off immediately. I’m so relieved and ended up polishing all of my silver. I’m extremely happy with the results! @Melodie Rochelle

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5. Amazon customers can’t stop praising this toilet cleaning kit, and the photos below show why. The kit includes a cleaning wand, a storage caddy and 6 disposable cleaning heads that will reach every corner of the toilet bowl to remove dirt and limescale. The cleaning heads are easily attached to the wand and are easily removed after the cleaning is finished. Used cleaning heads can be simply thrown away, and there’s no need to store dirty reusable brushes somewhere in the bathroom.

109,800+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ So, we have a toilet that belongs to the cats. We don’t use it, we don’t look at it, we like to pretend it does not exist. Even with semiregular flushing, cat waste is pretty nasty stuff, and it builds up quickly in the bowl. One of these wands cleaned it up in a single session! Before and after pics are attached [above]. @Whitney

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6. Many of us tend to forget about it, but makeup brushes also require cleaning. This makeup brush and sponge shampoo will efficiently remove all the impurities from your makeup tools leaving them fresh and helping you keep them in good condition. Using this product is very simple: wet your brush or sponge under warm water, use a small amount of the shampoo to wash away the dirt, rinse it, and lay flat to dry!

51,400+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This cleanser is great! It fully removes all makeup from the brushes without leaving them feeling beaten up (I’m not the most gentle when it comes to cleaning brushes). I use thick foundation that soaks heavily into the bristles, but this removed it all.
At first, I thought it was a bit thin, but after using it, I can say a little bit goes a long way. It has a nice lather, but it rinses out very nicely and easily. @Kryssy

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7. This fireplace cleaner comes together with a brush to help you achieve the best cleaning results. It’s perfect for cleaning brick, stone, tile, and rock fireplaces. Ash, traces of smoke and dust will be gone. Apply the cleaning gel with a very wet stiff brush or a wet scrub sponge, then rinse the surface with water and wipe it. The product contains environmentally friendly, biodegradable and non-toxic ingredients for your safety and convenience.

3,000+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This cleaner was exceptional. I was not sure which one to get and after reading the reviews and reading the directions I decided on this particular one, and I was not disappointed. The smoke and stains just rolled off of the stone fireplace. I highly recommend this product. @Linda Pears

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8. Amazon customers swear by this cleaning paste that can remove stains, grease and grime from almost any surface in the house! Just imagine: stoves, kitchen floors, silverware, jewelry, glass shower doors, glass stove tops, toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs, car wheels and many more items can be cleaned with just one product! Thanks to its texture and powerful formula, this paste lasts much longer than liquid cleaning solutions.

180,500+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This stuff is really worth the hype! Use a sponge or a scrubbing cloth, and it works on so many different surfaces and stains. I used it to scrub down a friend’s new house on things like cabinets (but be careful of paint / wood as it is abrasive), rust stains in the bathroom, and more. It’s one of those products that make you enjoy cleaning and also reveal the terrifying filth that might be in your home, such as the color of a white fridge before and after using this paste! @Brianna

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9. No more pain in your wrists after spending hours scrubbing dirty surfaces. Let this battery-powered cordless brush do all the tough job for you. It’s ideal for cleaning grout lines, corners, crevices, and tight spaces that other cleaning tools can’t reach. The brush has pulse and continuous scrubbing settings for different cleaning needs. The seller offers various attachments for this tool that can help you achieve better results.

23,100+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ This product has done a great job in removing mold and stains from the grout in the shower. I used to use a toothbrush which was not very effective. This grout remover is a lot more effective and it does all the scrubbing for me! @T Heim

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10. This stain remover can make your clothes and accessories look brand new even if you spill some coffee on them or stain them with berry juice. This spray is powerful, yet it’s safe to use it on baby clothes and toys. It works perfectly well on fresh and dry stains, making even the most stubborn of them disappear without a trace. Its biodegradable formula is free from harmful chemicals, so you can safely use it around kids and pets.

41,700+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It’s an amazing product for anyone with blueberry obsessed babies. When you spray it on a blueberry stain, it literally disappears before your eyes. I’ve saved so many onesies I thought I’d have to toss because of this. It’s a small bottle, but you only need 1–2 sprays to remove the stain so don’t let the size get you down! @Caroline

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11. Don’t throw your sneakers away just because they have stubborn stains and wear traces on them. Try using this sneaker cleaner, and it will give your pair of shoes a second life! The package includes 10 cleaning and whitening sponges that will wipe away scuff marks and dirt stains from the soles and other parts of your sneakers in the blink of an eye. To achieve the best results, don’t apply too much pressure while using the items.

5,200+ ratings

Promising review:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I used this to clean the soles of my tennis shoes. Initially, I was doubtful. But when I used it, I was impressed by how much dirt came off my shoes with the first wipe.
Usually the white portion of my shoe is hard to clean even after I use toothpaste, baking powder, etc. It was if I was erasing the dirt. I highly recommend this product if you want cleaner soles. @Saxxon Jones

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Now that you’ve added these brilliant cleaning products to your shopping cart, it’s time to pamper yourself with a nice gift. Check out this selection of Amazon beauty bestsellers that work like a charm and can boast of incredible before and after photos that happy customers shared in their reviews. Say goodbye to acne, dark spots and other skin issues and make your skin glow from within with these beauty products! We are almost sure, you won’t be disappointed.

Bright Side gets commissions for purchases made through the links in this post. Reviews may have been edited for length and clarity.

Preview photo credit Aura Solorzano / Amazon, Emojipedia


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