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We live in a world of stereotypes, where society regularly imposes ideas on us about how to live our lives correctly. Single people often have to deal with untactful questions about the reason why they’ve chosen to live without a relationship. The heroes of our article proved with their own example that single life is not a sad coincidence but the choice that makes them happy.
Keaton stopped dating 35 years ago. When asked why, the celebrity calmly explained that she is not deprived of men’s attention because she has many male friends. And she gets enough attention from them, so she doesn’t need a love interest. Diane has never been married, but she has never thought it was a problem. The actress believes that a relationship status doesn’t define a person.
“I remember, when I was young, I honestly believed in some ridiculous way that you would find someone who would be the person you lived with until you died. I don’t think that because I’m not married, it’s made my life any less. That old maid myth is garbage.”
Halle is not afraid of being single. Even though she doesn’t mind having a romantic relationship, she believes that single life is a great opportunity to spend more time with her children and get to know herself from a new angle.
“I’m just with my kids, and I’m really taking time to think and reflect, and trying to figure out how to make different choices and just have a minute to be with myself.”
Linda consciously has given up on her dating life. The model is open about the fact that now she has no romantic life at all. And she didn’t feel shy to reveal the reason why she chose the path of a loner, “I don’t want to sleep with anybody anymore. I don’t want to hear somebody breathing.”
When journalists asked Jenna about whether she’s dating anyone, she said that at the moment she has no romantic life and enjoys her solitude. The actress is not looking for a relationship because she is totally content with her current life.
“Love life — I truly don’t even really consider. Love life... It’s a really weird job for that, and honestly it’s never been... I don’t know. I’m definitely more of a work person.”
Charlize hasn’t dated anyone in over 5 years because, according to her, she has other priorities in life. The celebrity is not against her friends trying to do some matchmaking for her, but she’s not looking for a relationship.
“I can honestly say this, on my life, I don’t feel lonely. I’m still firing on all cylinders. I just think your priorities are in a place that is of high demand; it’s a lot of work to be a parent.”
Jennifer has been married twice. Thanks to this experience, she realized that happiness can have different angles. And every person should decide for themselves how to build their own life without regard for public opinion.
“We don’t need to be married or mothers to be complete. We get to determine our own ‘happily ever after’ for ourselves.”
The beautiful Sharon Stone revealed that she no longer wants a relationship. Her life has become easier and more relaxed without love dramas. The actress also emphasized that she has a lot of good male friends, but in her opinion, when it comes to emotional maturity in relationships, men and women are seemingly in different spots.
“I’m done dating, I’ve had it with dating. I just find people to be insincere and not worth my time. I enjoy my alone time and time with my kids and my friends more. I feel like I don’t need another kid.”
Chelsea used to have a tumultuous personal life, but at one point she realized that she enjoys being single, “I’ve had plenty of boyfriends, one or two marriage proposals and deep and intense human intimacy in my time on this Big Blue Marble. And after experiencing all that and seriously thinking about marriage, I respectfully reserve a table for one in the restaurant of life.”
Handler also believes that a woman doesn’t have to be in a relationship to be successful and happy.
“Next time you see a single woman, instead of asking her where her boyfriend or husband is, congratulate her on her accomplished sense of self and for reaching the solitary mountaintop by herself without a ring on her finger weighing her down like a male paperweight.”
Even though Khloe used to have a lot of passionate relationships before, now she is single and happy about it. She is not looking for a relationship and is completely absorbed in motherhood.
“Who has time for a man? I have a 6-month-old baby, and True and I are sickly codependent on one another. I secretly love it,” Kardashian once shared.
Emma did not believe in “happy single” in the past. She thought it was just a spiel.
But when the actress turned 30, she faced social pressure about the fact that she still doesn’t have a husband and children. But now she realizes that she can enjoy life in any relationship status.
“It took me a long time, but I’m very happy being single. I call it being self-partnered.”
After celebrating her 55th birthday, the actress said she was feeling her best as a single woman. “I have been single for a very long time, but there is nothing lonely about my life. I want to remove the stigma of that,” the actress said.
Through her experience, Teri wants to encourage all women that have chosen to live single life, “Many women who get divorced will not get remarried. That kind of sounds depressing, but it doesn’t have to be. Many women are not just surviving alone, they’re thriving. They’re empowered, they’re making money, they’re being healthy, they’re traveling. You are allowed to be proud of your life when you’re not part of a couple.”
Fran has lived with the fear of being alone for many years. The actress had to do a tremendous amount of work on herself to stop being dependent on relationships.
“I think that that’s been a big hurdle in my life that I needed to conquer. And getting really connected to myself has been a great journey because now, I’m not even feeling like I have to be in a relationship, because I’m in a relationship with myself — and it’s going quite well,” the celebrity revealed.
In Hollywood, there are many beautiful and talented actresses who have won the love of the audience not only by their acting skills, but also by their strong character. And here are 7 celebrity mothers who are raising their kids alone.