14 True Stories That Remind Us Life Is Full of Suprises and Magical Twists

If there was an award for Best Actor among swindlers and crooks, they all would have lots of prizes and trophies. Sometimes even the most common situations can be thoroughly planned by scammers, so that you will have no idea that it’s all fake.
Bright Side gathered the newest tricks that crooks use in big cities and found out how we can protect ourselves to avoid unpleasant incidents.
Be careful if you notice any strange item on your car’s windshield. Criminals use this method to distract you and attack you or steal your bag while you’re busy removing the clothes. Robbers usually use this trick at night in shopping mall parking lots.
A boy comes up to you in the street and says that you’ve dropped your money. You’re confused and can’t remember where actually you’ve put it so you thank the boy and go away. Suddenly his parents come up to you and claim that you’ve stolen the boy’s money when he just wanted to make change. You’re shocked and the parents ask you to give the money back and compensate moral damage.
Imagine that you’ve just bought a TV and now you’re on your way to the car. A security guard stops you near the exit to check your stuff and the receipt. Suddenly a sales associate comes up to you, says that they’ve sold you a damaged TV by mistake, and asks you to come to the warehouse to get a new one while the security guard watches your purchase. You follow the associate, but suddenly they disappear and so does the security guard with your belongings.
You’re offered a free lottery ticket in a store. You scratch it and realize that you’re a winner. To get your prize, you have to call a phone number provided. You call the number, wait a few minutes on the line, provide the confirmation number found on your winning ticket and your personal data, an operator says that they’ll call you when the prize is ready. But you’ll never get a prize and you’ll never receive your money that you spent calling that premium line back.
We all know that scammers use special devices that read our card numbers and small cameras to steal our money. But we have to be even more careful nowadays. Robbers have started putting a piece of tape in the card slot and cards get stuck in there. You think that the ATM is broken but actually crooks just take your card and walk away while you’re calling the bank to inform them about this problem.
Modern technologies let us pay for our purchases with our cards or smartphones in just one touch. Scammers have special devices that help read information in your electronic wallet. They just have to touch your gadget or a credit card to get access to your e-wallet.
You make your way out of a shopping mall when a pretty girl comes up to you and asks if you’d like a sample spray. She sprays the perfume on your wrist, you like its smell, and the woman wants to spray it on your neck but “accidentally” sprays the perfume in your eyes. You’re blinded and suddenly a man runs up to you and steals your wallet and bags.
You’re sitting at a street cafe, a man approaches you on your right side, and suddenly drops his car keys. You bend and pick them up while his partner grabs your bag on your left side.
Be careful while trying to access the Wi-Fi in public places. Scammers create free networks with the name of the mall or hotel that you might try to connect to first. Sometimes it requires your personal data so crooks get access to your information and even passwords.
Have you ever received calls from telemarketers or employees of various companies who offered their services? For example, a bank that you’ve never heard of offers you a loan with extremely favorable terms. You don’t even have to go to this bank: their courier will bring you an agreement and the sum. But first, you’re required to pay a certain sum of money and once you pay the company disappears.
Many people would probably like to get a dream job and move to another country. You post your CV on a foreign website and wait for a miracle. And you might really receive a call or a letter where a manager tells that your CV is great, you got this job, your salary will be even higher than you expected, the company will help you to get your visa, and they will give you an apartment for free. You may even receive an agreement and a link to the company’s website. But you’ll be also asked to pay additional expenses related to your moving to another country or you’ll have to buy job-related tutorials that will be paid back on your first paycheck. Of course you’re ready to spend a few hundred dollars and you even might get the visa, but when you arrive you realize that this company doesn’t exist or that no one has ever heard of you.
Burglars often pretend to be members of various services: for example, pest control services that come to inspect your house. In fact, they thoroughly look for different things that can be stolen later.
Do you know any other methods to protect yourself from scams? Share them with us in the comments.