16 Objects People Found That Left Them Puzzled

Nowadays we are constantly exposed to lots and lots of ads that promise drastic results in a very short time, for example, detox diets and cleansing juices. However, in reality, those things can be bad for you, and also useless — we already have organs that function to get rid of the substances our bodies don’t need. This doesn’t mean, however, that there’s no way to be more beautiful without stressing over it too much.
We at Bright Side found a few things that can help you to look and feel flawless.
Aluminum foil can be useful to the hair in 2 ways. First, you can use it to cover your hair completely and stop the hair treatment from dripping. Also, it conserves heat, which means that it keeps the hair warm and the effect of the mask or conditioner might be enhanced.
Blueberries are full of antioxidants. They fight the damage made by free radicals, enhance circulation, reduce problems like acne, and boost collagen, making the skin more youthful, healthy, and glowy. You can eat a cup of those berries per day in different forms: fresh, as toppings for desserts, with other fruit in smoothies, in salads, etc.
We all know by now how much our bodies benefit from physical exercise, but starting out is always difficult, and oftentimes we struggle to find the time to workout. Well, studies show that intense workouts for just 3 minutes per week improved participants’ health.
Face massages that you can do at home make your skin appear healthier and younger. They can help you combat acne, improve blood flow, make the skin glow, etc. Make sure your hands and face are clean and don’t forget to use some oil, serum, or cleansing balm. Be gentle but still use firm pressure. Focus on massaging each specific area of your face for 20 to 30 seconds.
Trimming hair is important to keep it healthy and beautiful. How often you do this, depends largely on its length, style, and structure. For example, if you have bangs, you should trim your hair once every 2 weeks, long hair can wait longer — every 3 to 6 months. Fine hair will benefit from a haircut once every 6 weeks, whereas thick locks can be trimmed once every 3 months.
Similar to sunglasses, sunscreen has to be a part of your daily routine if you want to keep your skin healthy and young, even if it’s cloudy outside. Experts suggest this simple routine:
Curiously enough, just cleansing our skin isn’t enough to keep it completely clean. Something that we don’t consider very often is that whatever touches our skin has to be clean too. This is especially true for our phones because their screens are ideal for bacteria to grow, and that might be the reason why we have breakouts on our cheeks.
Baby hairs and flyaways are the short hairs that are noticeable when you wear your hair up. They might make your hairstyle look a bit messy, but there are ways to tame them. You can use a toothbrush (maybe with hair spray) in addition to a regular brush to make sure the little hairs don’t escape styling. Also, if you don’t have hairspray on hand, you can use your lip balm to keep flyaways in place.
What tips can you share for enhancing beauty without doing too much?