12 Things Happy Couples Do, and If You Can Name at Least 3, You’re on the Right Path

5 years ago

Sharing a life together with your partner can be an equally fulfilling and challenging experience. A lot of couples in love end up separating or living an unhappy life, which proves it takes more than deep affection in a relationship to stay healthy and joyous.

Bright Side is here to make sure you and your boo stay strong, so we’re sharing some pieces of advice about how successful relationships stay that way over time.

1. Enjoy at least one hobby together.

While it’s great for each of you to have personal hobbies, it’s also essential that you guys find something to enjoy as a couple. It can be anything from practicing a particular sport or watching movies together. Pick one activity and commit to it. It’s important that you both make this part of your regular routine and most importantly, that you have fun and spend some quality time together.

2. Respect each other’s space.

Happy couples share incredible intimacy, but also know how not to overstep boundaries. Respecting your loved one’s space and giving them room to breathe is paramount for a joyful partnership. Feeling suffocated or trapped in a relationship is negative for both of you.

3. Make time for vacations or holiday trips together.

It doesn’t have to be anything overly fancy. It can be a weekend getaway or, if money is tight, a whole day on the beach or the mountains. The idea here is to unwind and spend quality time together, away from everyday concerns and possible conflicts. A change in surroundings is always a refreshing possibility.

4. Don’t go to bed angry at each other.

If there’s a problem, solve it right away. Don’t bottle it up and expect things to solve themselves. This type of attitude only leads to resentment. Mature couples talk through their issues and don’t hold onto grudges. Your mental health will thank you.

5. Say “I love you” at least once a day.

This may sound obvious, but it’s fundamental to communicate how much your partner means to you on a regular basis. Saying how much you love and appreciate them in a significant way can bring you 2 even closer. It’s important to express yourself earnestly, as not to sound automatic or empty. Say it as if you mean it.

6. Have independent lives from one another.

Sharing hobbies and interests is just as crucial as having autonomous lives from each other. Acknowledging your partner as a fully independent person with their own ideas and yearnings, and not merely as an extension of you, is one of the most critical things in a healthy relationship. Recognize your loved one as a unique individual and you’ll be on the right path.

7. Eat your meals at the same time.

If it’s impossible to share every meal due to differences in routines, try to at least eat one meal a day together. And really enjoy each other’s company. Don’t just sit there and scroll through your phone. Give each other your undivided attention, ask them about their day, make plans for the weekend, etc. Spending quality time with your partner whenever you can is never a bad idea.

8. Support each other’s dreams.

Being supportive of your partner’s hopes and dreams will make them feel loved and cared for. Happy couples listen to each other’s aspirations and cheer each other on. They’re also there for one another when things don’t work out and times are tough.

9. Cultivate trust and reject jealousy.

A relationship without trust is bound to fall apart eventually. If you’re overly jealous and possessive, you need to work on those issues before it deteriorates the bond you and your loved one share. If your partner is actually giving more than enough reason to make you wary, it’s time to assess the situation and put your emotional health first.

10. Grow together as people.

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing how much you’ve grown as an individual throughout the years and then realizing your partner has stayed exactly the same as when you 2 started dating. Personal growth is a natural and expected part of one’s way through life. You need to make sure you both are moving toward something together and not growing further apart.

11. Share chores.

Throwing all the house chores onto one person is a recipe for disaster. When one person is feeling overwhelmed by having to do everything themselves, it will create an imbalance in the relationship. If chores can’t be equally shared naturally, then try to keep a checklist of all the things that need to be done around the house. Agree with your partner about who is doing what and keep the list somewhere visible. You are both adults who are capable of keeping your home tidy.

12. Enjoy small gestures.

Grand gestures can be exciting and romantic, but it’s also important to appreciate the little gestures. It can be something as simple as asking if you need something from the kitchen or giving you a foot rub after a long day. If it’s sincere and thoughtful, enjoy it and be grateful for having a loving partner who really cares about your well-being.

Could you relate to any of these situations? Do you plan on putting these tips to the test? Tell us what you think and share this article with your special someone!

Illustrated by Yekaterina Ragozina for Bright Side


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It's important not only to say that you love your partner but to show it too: cook a tasty breakfast, play board games together, help them with work or anything else that can make them happy

and hugs-hugs-hugs!


My family really wants to eat together all the time, they really value being together.


From the divorces around me I can tell you that making time for each other and going on a holiday as a family can be very important factors in a relationship




counted 11.5 (meals option - we do try to always eat together but sometimes its impossible due to our work hours)


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