20 People Who Are Way Ahead of Their Time

Despite the fact that nowadays women are encouraged to accept themselves and love their body the way it is, many people still feel insecure about some natural things. Some are insecure about certain features because they were teased in childhood for them. Others, on the contrary, are afraid to admit that they make adjustments to their appearance because they think they do something wrong.
A different skin tone in the underarm area is most often a natural process that results from constant shaving of the area. Therefore, there is no reason to feel insecure if your skin suddenly darkens. There are several ways that help to change the color of the skin, such as regular moisturizing or using laser therapy. But if they don't bring any visible changes, it is still okay.
Many women feel embarrassed to admit that they wear shapewear. Others are afraid to use it because they think it can be harmful to health. In fact, modern underwear is quite comfortable and relatively safe. Experts recommend against buying too tight underwear and wearing it every day. Anyway, if this underwear helps a woman feel more attractive, there is nothing wrong about it.
Vertical ridges usually appear on the fingernails as we get older. Most likely, this condition is caused by a gradual slowing down of cellular metabolism. If the nail plates are not thin and brittle and the ridges are not very prominent, there's nothing to worry about.
If a person has a double chin, it doesn't mean that they don't eat healthy or exercise. Actually, in many cases, we can thank our parents for this trait. The predisposition to a double chin development is often inherited, and in this case, neither exercising nor a strict diet will help. In addition, most people get a double chin with age when the skin loses its elasticity.
All women, without exception, have facial hair. However, some people feel awkward to admit that they have to get rid of it. After all, shaving is something men do. However, there is nothing shameful or harmful about this procedure, so there's no point to hide the fact that you shave your face.
Besides, shaving not only helps to get rid of unwanted hair, it also exfoliates dead skin cells. And the belief that shaving makes hair darker and thicker is actually a myth. Just don't shave the face if the skin is dry and irritated, and do it correctly to avoid cuts and other troubles.
The shape of our buttocks is largely determined by genetics, and no matter how hard we can try, exercising is unlikely to make this part of the body more rounded. Currently, a curvy, toned butt is in fashion, and therefore some women feel insecure about wearing tight jeans or revealing swimsuits, as they can't boast a curvy body. But fashion tends to change, and things that are trendy now, may well turn into anti-trends in a few years. So, stay true to yourself.
Many people feel insecure about moles on their face. For some people, these spots become a curse when they are teenagers. Those poison their lives and undermine their self-esteem for a long time afterwards. But there is nothing unnatural or dangerous in most moles: usually an adult can have 10 to 40 spots on their body. And their color can vary from your skin tone to black.
A person with dark circles under the eyes often appears haggard, tired, or even sick. However, most often this feature has nothing to do with our well-being and doesn't threaten our health. Many people inherit this trait from their parents. Some other people only have the appearance of dark circles due to swollen lower eyelids that cast a shadow on the skin. Therefore, there is no need to feel insecure about them.
Botox injections are used in cosmetology to smooth out wrinkles. However, some people are quite negative about this procedure, perhaps because Botox is toxic. However, if you carefully choose a clinic and a doctor who will perform injections, the risks of this procedure are minimal. And there's nothing wrong about wanting to look younger.
The thickness of our hair is largely dependent on our genes, and hair naturally thins with age. And although this process can be stopped, it is almost impossible to magically transform initially thin hair into thick hair. And is it really worth feeling unhappy about it all the time?
Time and gravity can be inexorable to our body. As years pass, the body stops producing the necessary amount of collagen, the facial skin loses elasticity and the cheeks begin to gradually sag, softening the line of the chin and lower jaw. This is a completely natural process that many people over the age of 30 have to face, so there is absolutely nothing to feel insecure about.
If one woman spends a substantial part of her salary on buying books, and another one chooses beauty treatments, the first one is often admired, while the second one can be criticized. Therefore, some women are genuinely ashamed of how much money they spend on makeup and beauty salon visits. But no one should dictate to us how we spend our hard-earned money. If buying a face cream or a new lipstick makes a woman happy, it's her own choice and hers only.
By the way, some celebrities decided to share their insecurities and prove that beauty standards are ridiculous. Check this out.