12 Times Human Body Decided to Be Super Creative

year ago

The human body is an artist, and sometimes it paints outside the lines. People are sharing photos of the most unique features, and we’ve selected some of the rarest we’ve seen!

1. «My newborn son was born with a heart-shaped thumb».

2. «My under lip is missing pigmentation».

3. «Red mark that appears on forehead...»

4. «My mom and I have the exact same hands».

5. «Hair shrinkage compared to hair straightener».

6. «My hand muscle bunches up when I spread my fingers».

7. «I have toes sewn onto my hand».

8. «I (16) have one very long white eyebrow hair».

9. «My veins spell out „YO“»

10. «My tanned and untanned skin tones are drastically different».

11. «Husband and I have brown eyes and somehow the kids came out with blue and hazel-ish eyes!»

12. Raynaud’s Phenomenon (vasospasm).

Real people don’t have special powers, but they’re still pretty exceptional. For more such photos of unique people, check out this article.

Preview photo credit minthotel / Reddit


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I'm the only one in my family with extremely rare heart shaped purple eyes


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