12 Times When Fashion Blunders Had an Unexpected Twist

month ago

Sometimes you dress beautifully, and then some mishap happens, and that’s it, the effect is ruined. Or you choose an inappropriate outfit. And sometimes people perceive your looks not the way you planned. Internet users have a lot of stories like this.

Some images have been created with artificial intelligence.

  • Our office has a panoramic window, and people sit working facing the window. I was on my way to meet a German delegation that had just arrived at the entrance by the bus, and everyone was getting off. I raised my hands to attract their attention.
    And when everyone looked at me, a strong gust of wind picked up my dress and raised it up. I barely managed to catch it with my hands. It took some time for me to pull it back.
    After that, I wanted to quit. And even 5 years later, they call me “the one who lost her dress.”
  • My mom likes French style in clothing. She loves scarves, elegant coats. And berets. And when I was a teenager, I didn’t respect hats like everyone else of my age. Even in winter, we were too cool to wear a hat.
    My mom tried to change my mind, so one day she gave me her favorite beret, saying it would look beautifully on me. I put it on after school in front of my friend, and she started giggling. She said it was too old-fashioned.
    I got upset and quickly took it off before the boys could see it. Especially the one I liked. In the end, I put on the beret only when I approached my house, so my mom wouldn’t scold me. Since then, I don’t like berets.
  • First semester of college, and I commute like an hour from home. At some point during a class, I start my period and bleed through my jeans. Whoops... since I can’t go all the way home for more jeans, I use my free hour in between classes to go to the Walmart in my tiny college town.
    There’s not a ton of selection in my size, and I finally end up getting a pair of mustard yellow jeans. Those bright yellow jeans are weirdly versatile, and I’ve worn them a lot since then. Would’ve never bought them on my own, but I’m glad I own them. © letmebebrave430 / Reddit
  • Once, a pair of Clark’s mules literally exploded from the heat of the pavement and started leaving big chunks of foam behind me. I eventually just dragged my feet on the ground to sort of grate the rest of the heel off so I could keep walking while my husband and I laughed our heads off. (He walked behind me, picking up the chunks). They were old and nearing the end of their life anyway, so I wasn’t upset.
    The second time was a pair of Naot wedges that simply started disintegrating the same way. These were less than a year old and ~$150, so I was super pissed. © bullhorn_big*** / Reddit
  • My husband rarely gives compliments and shows his feelings. Yesterday we went to the theater. I wore a black dress, black leather boots. In addition, a bright red bag, black tights with a red stripe down the back and bright red lipstick (I didn’t apply eye makeup).
    And I got my compliment from him. My husband said I looked vulgar. I think next time I’ll wear a jumper and jeans. And surely no makeup. © Overheard / Ideer
  • When I was in kindergarten, my teacher passed out papers and told us to “draw yourself at 80 years old.” As we finished our crayon squiggly lines of imagined to be our future-wrinkled selves, our teacher told us we would be actually dressing ourselves in elderly form a few days away. It was a ‘fun’ event where we would pretend to be that self. We were to pretend we had accomplished our dreams and our lifelong goals.
    As well as being in a futuristic manner, we also were encouraged to dress the part. On the day of, my mother woke me up extra early to start her masterpiece. She designed wrinkles on my face using makeup. She applied temporary gray dye to my dolled-up hair.
    She gave me fake glasses to wear upon my powdered face. I was given a pastel frilly dress and a toy cane. We both giggled at my 6-year-old self that suddenly gained 80. Surely everyone would be in awe of how much effort was put into my costume!
    I kissed her goodbye as the bus came, and I felt excitement bubble as I anticipated everyone’s reaction. But as I entered the bus, my excitement instantly died. Every kid burst into laughter at my appearance. I learned that my mom misread the email, and instead dressed me up on the wrong day.
    I quickly sat down and felt my cheeks burn endlessly. Everyone stared and laughed. Just as I had arrived at school, the laughter dwindled down as most everyone had already seen my wardrobe malfunction. I felt almost okay again.
    That is, until I reached my classroom and my unsuspecting classmates noticed my attire. The room roared with mockery and laughter. All I could do was dash to my desk and hide my faux-ly wrinkled face. I began to cry.
    Suddenly, my teacher silenced my classmates. She put her hand on my back and said, “Quit teasing her. Her costume is very well done! She makes a lovely grandmother!” My teacher then escorted me to the bathroom and helped me wipe off my makeup. She assured me that I wouldn’t have to dress up again for the actual date.
    At least I had that relief! When I got home, I was infuriated with my mother. She thought I would never forgive her. It took a few long weeks, but 6-year-old Sierra forgave her. © Sierra Swift / Quora
  • I wore a form-fitting cocktail dress, that was better suited for a date or an upscale club, to a wedding. It was white and had a large blue feather pattern that covered the length of one side of it. For years afterward I would remember it, stop what I’m doing, and do a thousand yard stare into the middle distance in shame and guilt. I was 29 and I should have known better.
    I had no good excuse; I was already working in a white collar profession in NYC and understood what to wear to specific events. I have no idea what I was thinking or how I had such a huge blind spot. It has haunted me for so long that I actually apologized about it to the bride last year, 9 years after the event. She sincerely waved it off and was like, “Oh god, whatever, don’t worry.” © orcusamongus / Reddit
  • To this day, I cannot wear this style of skirt I like because of this. It went just below the knee, and was this cute pink floral A-line skirt that buttoned down the front. The buttons were real, like that was the closure system. I could be a fidgety kid when I was in middle school... I sat in class paying real close attention to the teacher because I am and was a nerd.
    Next thing I know, I realize the boy sitting next to me has been staring in my general vicinity for like forever! I start to get irritated that he is staring at me, but don’t really think anything of it. Then I start to realize I can feel the wind on the tops of my thighs from the door opening and closing, but I’m still trying to pay attention to the teacher, and trying to ignore the irritating boy sat next to me.
    Finally, I look down at my lap, probably 3/4s the way through class and realize that my skirt had unbuttoned itself, all except the top 3 buttons, which left all of my legs and nearly all of my underwear exposed. I immediately blush and start to try and get everything buttoned back up. What does the boy next to me say? “Felt a breeze, didja?” © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My brother is a musician, rock guitarist. On stage, he has a very flamboyant image: leather, bouffant hairstyle, rocker makeup. One day before a concert in a club, they were tuning up, he hadn’t dressed up yet, he wore ordinary jeans and a T-shirt, his hair in a ponytail.
    The waitresses asked him afterwards if he was the guitarist’s brother, because he looked just like him. He confirmed it. Then, trying not to laugh, answered questions about his “brother.” Several years have passed, he and I still laugh about it. © Overheard / Ideer
  • This was an almost disaster for me. At work, wearing a dress with leggings, I went to the bathroom and had the dreaded skirt stuck in the waistband of the leggings happen, so my butt wasn’t naked, but it’s still embarrassing. And because of the leggings, I didn’t notice the back of the skirt hiked up.
    I was saved from total disaster by a very wonderful woman in the bathroom who nearly yelled as I walked out the door to get my attention so I could fix it before parading past every cubicle to my desk at the back of the office. © ConiferousMedusa / Reddit
  • It happened about 20 years ago. I washed my hair and rushed to work. People are staring at me in the bus. I think, “I look beautiful!” I enter the office and the boss gently says, “Don’t worry, medicine is working wonders now, everything can be cured quickly.”
    It gave me chills. I rush to the mirror and see that my left ear is all covered in the hair balm. If anyone remembers, there was one in the form of a yellow-green substance. And it’s running down my cheek. I always laugh when I recall this.
  • A friend invited me to a birthday party. We’re sitting in a restaurant, and across the table there’s a friend of the birthday boy with a huge tattoo on his arm. I wanted to break the ice and said:
    — Nice tattoo! Is that Marilyn Manson?
    — That’s my mom.
    I felt embarrassed, so I said,
    — She’s a beautiful woman.
    Luckily, the guy had a sense of humor.

And here are 7 fashion mistakes that many of us make. Check them out.


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