13 Emojis We Didn’t Know We Were Using Wrong

2 years ago

The growing use of social media has made us incorporate emojis into our written language of words and symbols, in order to better express our emotions. As time goes by, developers strive to generate new designs so that we can communicate better. But the truth is that many times we wrongly assume the meaning of some of them and we attribute to them features that have nothing to do with the purpose for which they were created.

Bright Side has prepared a guide with several emojis and the meaning that we believe they have. On the back of each image, you will find what the intention was when they were created, don’t forget to click on each card!


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What is your favorite emoji and why? How do you think emojis have affected, either for better or worse, human communication?

Preview photo credit Emojipedia


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super interesting!!! i must say I like the tapping on the picture feature, it makes going through the list much more enjoyablr


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