I think I got lucky i getting my current job - the interview was short and I saw right away that they liked me
13 Non-Obvious Things That Can Influence the Outcome of Your Job Interview
Your knowledge and experience play a crucial role in a job interview. But besides obvious things, there are some unusual circumstances that can influence the outcome. If you know all these nuances, it’d be easier to make an impression as a qualified candidate and would increase your chances of getting the job.
Bright Side made a list of the most non-obvious things that the result of your job interview may really depend on.
13. The weather on the day of your interview

There are studies that prove weather can affect the results of important events. It influences both us and recruiters. There are people whose mental or emotional state depends on the weather, so if it’s rainy, they can be less attentive and even irritated. People who undergo interviews during a dull, rainy day get worse results than those who are interviewed when it’s sunny out. If possible, it’s better to arrange a job interview when you know the weather’s going to be good.
12. How early you arrive for an interview
Experts say that arriving earlier is a good idea but if you come too early, you decrease your chances of getting the job. A recruiter may think that you feel too nervous or are trying to put pressure on them. So it’s recommended to come 10-15 minutes before an interview. If you do happen to come even earlier, you can wait outside or inside your car.
11. Your position in line

- Don’t be the first one in line. Recruiters subconsciously compare each candidate to the previous one, and the first one is the starting point. That means there’s a small chance they’d be better than all the rest going after them.
- But it’s not recommended to be the last one in line either. There’s a phenomenon known as decision fatigue, which comes after having to make several decisions. This can be especially true if an interview is scheduled for the end of a working day.
- Don’t end up in the middle of the line — it’s better to be right before it. People tend to give a lower assessment to those who are closer to the end, especially if your contenders have good reviews.
10. The color of your outfit
According to HR specialists, the best decision is to arrive for an interview wearing clothes in conservative colors such as black, blue, or brown. Don’t put on orange clothes or ones boasting other triggering colors. It’s better to show your creativity when it’s needed.
9. The place you choose to sit
When you’re invited to take a seat, don’t hesitate to move a chair the way you want. This shows a recruiter that they’re dealing with a confident person who takes initiative. This will increase your chances of getting the job.
8. How much you love yourself
Heavily narcissistic candidates or people with high self-esteem get offers more often than others. They can present themselves well and convince others that they’re useful. HR specialists can’t help but feel the same way.
7. Accepting an offer for a beverage

6. Where you place your hands during a conversation
Mild, appropriate hand movements make your speech more vivid and influence what your interviewer will think about you.
- Open palms show that you’re sincere, thus, increasing your chances.
- If your palms are down, they express dominance which is a good feature if you’re applying for a managerial position.
- If you hide your hands (put them in your pockets, etc.), a recruiter may think that you’re hiding something.
- If you put your hands on your chest, it’s a defensive position that indicates disappointment or disagreement which wouldn’t bode well for you.
5. Your voice and accent
It may sound surprising but in the near future, some companies will be able to identify whether a candidate is suitable for the job or not just by judging their voice. They’ll estimate the voice’s attractiveness, whether it’s calm or not, and other features important for the position.
Unfortunately, some employers consider a foreign accent to be a drawback and think a person with an accent can’t have a managerial position. It’s quite unfair but it’s best to keep this fact in mind.
4. How much you sweat
Sweating means you feel really nervous. Here’s a life hack: ask for a glass of water while you’re waiting for an interview. This way, your body temperature will be reduced and you’ll stop sweating so much.
3. Your attitude toward others
Your attitude toward others tells people more than your CV can. An HR specialist may pay attention to the way you communicate with other workers, including the janitor. Be polite with everyone and it’ll increase your chances.
2. The place you’re from
If it turns out the HR specialist and you are from the same city or neighborhood, this fact will play out very well for you. That’s because we subconsciously appreciate people and things that we have something in common with.
1. Sending an email
Waiting for the result is an important part of an interview. You may send a “thank you” letter within 24 hours after your interview (make sure to do it during working hours). If you postpone sending a letter, the employer may think you’re not interested in the job or they will have already forgotten about you by then.
How often do you change jobs? Were there any unusual factors that helped or stopped you from getting a job?
They should teach such things at school - they will be more useful than many things that are taught there

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