13 Stories About Neighbors Who Are Not That Easy to Put Up With

5 hours ago

Our neighbors, roommates, or coworkers can be very different. It’s good when they are friendly people and understand what personal boundaries are. In this article, online users shared stories about the funny and strange things their neighbors do.

  • Strangers started calling me on the intercom, so I began to switch it off. And then my neighbor came to me with accusations, saying that I’m the reason why their doctor didn’t get to them.
    Her grandson was born, so she switched off her intercom to avoid scaring him. And now she tells everyone to call into my apartment. I was stunned, “Are you out of your mind?” and she replied, “Well, I thought you were normal neighbors”. © Lala_Luna / ADME
  • In the house where my parents live, the walls are so thin that you can hear almost everything that happens in the neighboring units. The neighbor is a scandalous woman who terrorizes the whole house over very trifling noises. She can make a fuss about a sneeze.
    But when my dad was away for the day and my mum was stuck in the bathroom for 6 hours because of a jammed lock, screaming, this woman claimed she hadn’t heard anything. And she is retired and almost never leaves the house. © Overheard / Ideer
  • For more than a week now, I can’t sleep properly because the neighbors move furniture at night. At first, I thought they were renovating, but everything seemed quiet in the daytime. Yesterday I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I went to their place in the morning.
    A man looking exhausted with red eyes opened the door. I told him to stop what they were doing, and he apologized, “Sorry, mate! I don’t sleep at night myself! My wife is pregnant, she makes me move the furniture, because her taste changes at night. I can’t refuse, she’s pregnant!”
    The neighbor apologized again, and today he gave me earplugs. He said that his wife was going to give birth soon, and that I had to be patient a little while longer. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • New neighbors moved into our house. One day I was coming home and saw my neighbor trying to get in. She kept poking and poking with the intercom key, but she couldn’t get the door open.
    I went over and opened the door with my key. She said to me in all seriousness, “Do you know your code from the door?” (each resident has a unique code). I said I do. And she said, “I don’t know mine. So give me your key, and use your code.” © Podsheshano / Ideer
  • I don’t even know what to do. About 2 years ago, a couple moved into a neighboring house. The first thing they did was say they didn’t like the color of my house (it’s yellow). Then they started talking me into repainting it.
    What am I supposed to do? It was painted that way when it was built, I like the color, and there are no rules about it. But these guys even tried to persuade other neighbors to persuade me to repaint the house. But it didn’t work out, the neighbors told them to back off.
    And recently I went away for a couple of weeks. And when I came back, my house was gray. It was clear who was responsible for this, but when I rang their doorbell, no one answered. I have surveillance cameras, and another neighbor showed me a photo — they called a team of painters and said that the house was theirs, they were leaving and wanted it repainted in their absence. The neighbors called the police at the sight of the painters, but what will they do?
    The company received the order, they were paid for it, they couldn’t be accused of trespassing, and the neighbors themselves never set foot on my property, so they couldn’t be charged with anything either. I don’t know if I can sue them because no material damage or harm has been done to me or my home. The neighbors never opened the door, and I haven’t seen them since. © weirdquestion11 / Reddit
  • I bought a bicycle a year ago. The question of where to store it immediately arose. There is no elevator in the house, which is a 5-story building. The flat is small, so it was immediately decided to park it on the ground floor near the entrance.
    At that time, there was another bike in addition to mine. A year later, in spring, 2 more were added. It became not so convenient to take mine out, but it was bearable.
    And now, when it is summer, one morning I go out and see another bike, which was parked in the worst way. They simply put it in the aisle, thereby blocking all bikes in the corner and on the way out, locking it through all the bikes parked on the side. © user6999331 / Pikabu
  • My neighbor is in her thirties, she is a very pretty young lady. All the time I see her taking teen boys to her flat. For a long time I thought that she is something like a vamp woman.
    Once I even talked to her and made a passing remark about her ever-changing young suitors. Turns out she’s a teacher, and she gives private lessons. It was awkward. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • My neighbors used to walk in line and be quiet while my baby slept. Because at any noise, I would go out into the yard and start playing the bagpipes. After 30 minutes of playing, I would loudly say that I was going to rest for an hour, but if I woke up and heard noise, I would continue the concert. After the third concert, we agreed on when they could make noise. © urtow / Pikabu
  • My grandmother’s neighbors decided that I would be their servant, since I was living there temporarily anyway. I was expected to open the door for the kids who forgot the intercom key for the hundredth time (but I don’t get up from the couch if I’m not expecting anyone); that I have to put up with the noise from the renovation at 7 a.m. (I called the police); that I have to babysit some neighbor’s grandson because she didn’t expect my grandmother to go to the hospital. I hope that my grandmother won’t make a fuss that I put these offenders in their place. © Overheard / Ideer
  • For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to find the reason why the room in the apartment in the house opposite mine always had the lights on. I found that apartment and the room, but I can’t just go there and ask, “Why the hell are the lights always on?”
    A friend of mine came to the rescue. He laughed at me and invited me to that apartment. I met the owners, they poured me some tea, and I asked them why the lights were on.
    The woman said to me, “Try to switch them off!” I pushed the button, and after that the parrot flew out of the cage, sat on the switcher and switched it back on. Kiwi, as it turns out, can’t sleep when it’s dark. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • For the last 6 months, I’ve been out of my mind. I noticed a girl in the window when I went out on the balcony. She has a large kitchen with 2 windows without curtains, and the view is almost perfect in the evenings. She’s cooking, doing the dishes or washing the floor, dancing funny, twirling the cat in her arms, jumping to get something from the top shelf.
    She’s funny, she’s cute. I’m already addicted to her, even though I realize it’s not normal. I see that she has a boyfriend/husband who kisses her at the stove every night. And I am jealous, like a fool. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I have this elderly neighbor who is constantly exploiting my strength. I leave the house, and she’s already waiting for me, meeting me on the stairs, “Oh, Nick, please help me.” Just last month, I fixed her bathroom tap, took out her old furniture, fixed the toilet several times and took out her trash more than a dozen times.
    But today she asked me to bring 5 10-liter bottles of water to the ninth floor. There is no elevator in the house. © House No. 6 / VK
  • We moved into a new apartment and our neighbors began renovations. The noise was from morning to evening every day! After 6 months, my husband couldn’t stand it anymore and went to them to sort things out.
    The guy opens the door and my husband asks if the renovation will be over soon. And he replies, “We don’t have any repairs. We actually...have repair courses. Every day from 8 till 8, 4 groups of people. Did you want to sign up? What time would be convenient for you?” © Not everyone will understand / VK

And here’s another bunch of stories about crazy neighbors.


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