Kids are great at asking questions—sometimes way too many. But some don’t just ask; they challenge, bend, and completely ignore the rules in ways no adult saw coming. Let's check out how these kids took original thinking to a whole new level!
"I couldn't figure out why I couldn't put my shoes on. It’s cause my 6-year-old pulled a great prank."
- The one time someone said, 'you have big shoes to fill', and this child said 'hold my sippy cup'. - © pnwWaiter / Reddit
"This isn't exactly what we meant when we told him he could look up puppy training tips on YouTube."
"My husband and I getting pranked by the kids in the neighborhood. We couldn't get the car out of the driveway. 🤣"
- I would imagine that whoever put this there fully expects you to smash through the thing in glorious fashion. — © Horknut1 / Reddit
“Took my kid’s iPad away and told her to use her imagination and creativity to make something.”
- My nephew asked me to play outside with him and his friends over Thanksgiving. I was excited to see them actually go outside, so I joined. I asked what we were playing, and they told me we were playing Minecraft. Could be worse, I guess. At least that’s something. — © End3rWi99in / Reddit
"Both of our kids wanted to be something scary."
“So the 2-year-old is potty training and this is what the 10-year-old comes up with. ’It’s a trophy for when he is all trained.’”
- Your 10-year-old is much more creative than I am. Even got a couple of studs in the bowl for splashing. — © ReachFor24 / Reddit
"My kid on 80s Day at school today. 'They didn’t specify which century,' he said."
- I have read a few non-fiction books from the 1950s and it always breaks my mind when they reference the 1880s as the 80s. Smart kid. — © Drab_Majesty / Reddit
"My kids came in and told me there was water coming from the laundry room. They said it looked like it started at the washer. I rushed in to find this. Buncha comedians in my house..."
“My friend’s kid did this to their pantry.”
"My kid's grounded, so she had to help power wash the deck. I came back to this. Grounding extended."
- Power washing as a punishment? What’s the next punishment, pizza, and video games? — © Phrich / Reddit
"I mean... she’s not wrong?"
"Last year I forgot to get batteries for my niece’s toy, so this year she got me this."
"My girlfriend's nephew is playing hide and seek. He’s a tree."
"Completely unprompted, my son cut a paper spider out and taped it inside my wife's lampshade, and I've never been more proud."
- This is the moment where he transitioned from mom's little boy into "Just look what YOUR son has done!" - © Synisive / Reddit
Raising a free thinker sounds great! Just be ready—they’ll use that brilliant little mind to debate bedtime, renegotiate chores, and invent brand-new reasons why they shouldn’t have to eat vegetables.