13 Bright Side Readers Shared Stories That Break All Possible Stereotypes

Many people hope that the new year will finally change their lives. Some do a lot to make this happen: they go to the gym, they find a new job, or they end a bad relationship. And some people get incredibly surprised by life itself.
We at Bright Side want to share the stories of internet users whose new year started in such an unexpected way that one thing is clear: they started things on the right foot. And at the end of the article, there is a story from one of our readers proving that there’s always room for a few miracles in our lives.
I was feeling down on December 31. It was my first time being single for a New Years’ since 2014 (going into 2015). My friends and I go to a pub and wait for a table. I feel a hand on my shoulder. An incredibly pretty woman comes up to me and loves my pointy Christmas hat and Christmas sweater. Then we separate. A few minutes later she beckons me to her table and says Merry Christmas and we talked for a bit. Our table is ready and I get called over. All I know about her is that we live in the same area. It was a highlight of the last 3 months and makes me confident in starting to date again, and that there’s essentially infinite women/fish in the sea. I’m not sure I’ll ever see her again, but either way, it’s a nice memory. © PM-ME-YOUR-STEAMKEYS / Reddit
How did your new year start?