14 Real-Life Stories That Sound Like a Horror Movie

9 months ago

People often share stories about their eerie experiences online. Reading about these encounters might give you a shivery feeling, almost like you’re watching a spooky movie! It’s fascinating and a little bit scary to think about what might exist beyond our ordinary world.

  • My mom was a single mom with two kids. She was stressed over bills but had just enough to cover them. Unfortunately, it left us with no money. She was a hard worker and would do multiple shifts at the hospital. Still, it was hard this particular month. She was sweeping and hoped for a solution. As she turned around to empty the dustbin into the trash, there was a crisp $100 bill perfectly laying on top of the filled trash can. No one lived at our house with us. She was never able to explain it. © poshfiend / Reddit
  • A week before my twin brother died, I was in the passenger side of the car when an awful thought with visuals popped into my mind. I envisioned being at his house, finding it empty and his door shut. Despite this, I had an overwhelming feeling that he was no longer alive. It was the first time I had cried over just a thought. Additionally, I had a dream where he visited me and asked where he was. In the dream, he didn’t know he was dead, but I showed him his death certificate and all the paperwork my mom was filling out. I can’t explain it, but seeing that a week ahead helped me process his death better than my siblings and mom. His 10th anniversary is in March, and I’ve been trying to dream about him with no luck. © breezeandtrees / Reddit
  • One night, my aunt fell asleep on her couch. My uncle was asleep upstairs. She woke up around midnight to a random man staring at her while she slept. He said, “The guy upstairs was sound asleep.” She told him to leave, and somehow HE LEFT. He slid in through the back door. We live in a relatively safe area! © Unknown user / Reddit
  • Years ago, my husband and I were watching a movie. Adverts came on, and we weren’t paying much attention, but just as one finished, we both recognized where it was filmed, pretty sure we had been there. It took a few seconds to find the remote and rewind, still talking about our visit to the place in the advert. However, it wasn’t there. We fast-forwarded, thinking we missed it. Still, there was nothing. We rewound again and again, nothing. It’s nothing very exciting, but it’s totally unexplainable, and we still get weirded out when either of us brings it up. © tottiepots / Reddit
  • After my dad passed away when I was little, I slept with my mom in a 3rd story apartment. Each night, I would see the shadow of a hand in the window and get scared, burying my head between my mom’s back and the bed. This went on for a couple of weeks, and I remember being terrified. I finally worked up the courage to look at the windowsill in the day. Nothing was there. I went outside and looked up at the window. Nothing was near it. I cannot explain it. Just weird. © t-rex82 / Reddit
  • I saw a pencil eraser disappear. I threw it against some lockers, and it just vanished. I looked around for a good while before I gave up. I would look in that spot for the remainder of elementary school to see if it was there. It disappeared, I tell you! © xerxerxex / Reddit
  • I saw a man walk down the sidewalk and stop at one of the free newspaper stands. He opened it, pulled out a spatula, then turned around and walked back in the other direction. It would have made sense if he were homeless, but the man was dressed in clean and pressed business casual attire, with perfect hair and a clean shave. © efshoemaker / Reddit
  • I was half asleep when something grabbed my feet. I jumped up and saw a little girl run out of the room. My two dogs both looked at the little girl, watched her leave the room, and then looked at me as if to say, “Did you see that?” They chased her down the stairs into the living room. I followed behind them, and no one was there when we got to the living room. The only explanation I have is that I was still dreaming while awake. © tisafunnyoldworld / Reddit
  • My dad, sister, and I all saw something that wasn’t an animal or human. This was in the winter of 2015. We were driving, and it ran out in front of us on the road. It was so fast that it was a dark blur, but we all agreed we saw long, gangly limbs like a deer, yet it had human-looking “arms” and “legs.” We still talk about it. © doometteowo / Reddit
  • My grandfather sat on the edge of my bed when I was in the 4th grade and told me a bedtime story. He died before I was born, and the only photo of him was in a chest in my grandmother’s attic. I hadn’t even heard his name before; his life and passing were a sore spot in my family.
    © d***lykitten54 / Reddit
  • I was in my room playing at 6 years old when my grandfather walked in and talked to me for a few minutes. After a bit, he gets up and tells me, “Be a good girl for Mom,” kisses me on the forehead, and walks out. Mom comes in about 5 minutes later, in a hysterical state, and tells me my grandpa had died overnight, and we had to leave to go be with the family two states over where he lived. © shayluhhh / Reddit
  • I was sleeping and had my hand dangling between the bed and the wall, and I swear on everything, I felt something grab my hand. It had a grip like a firm handshake and literally woke me out of a dead sleep. I got up and checked under the bed, but nothing was there. It was very weird. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • On a Wednesday evening, I remember I went to sleep; I was 6 years old. I woke up, and it was Friday. I remember asking my mom why it was Friday when yesterday it was Wednesday. She said yesterday was Thursday, obviously. I asked her what I did on Thursday because the last thing I remember was going to sleep on Wednesday. She started naming some activities, and I remembered none of them. I never found out why I don’t remember Thursday. © Unknown user / Reddit
  • I was probably 13 or 14, and my brother, who’s two years younger, was outside with me playing basketball. My dad was traveling for business, but when he was home, he would go out to his shed to work on wooden decoys and always say, “Hey guys,” to my brother and me. So, one night, while my dad was away on business, we both heard “Hey guys” in my dad’s voice and said “hey” back, thinking he had come home early. After playing, we went inside to ask my mom why dad was home, and she told us he wasn’t. He ended up coming home two days later as scheduled. My brother and I remember it clear as day and still can’t explain it. © Asseman / Reddit

There’s something extra eerie about tales where children are at the story’s heart. If you’re up for a shiver-inducing read, check out this article.

Preview photo credit Asseman / Reddit


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