14 Tested Beauty Tricks That Your Body Can Be Thankful For

Girls stuff
year ago

It seems like every day there’s a new beauty trick popping up online, and it can be a challenge to figure out which ones to try. Luckily, some of the viral tips are very worthwhile — they not only work but yield really good results and make your life easier too.

We at Bright Side want to help you look and feel your best, so we’ve compiled a list of tested beauty tricks that you can try.

1. This neat lipgloss hack

Struggling with messy lipstick? Place a hairpin over your lips and apply the color within it. This will make sure the makeup stays beneath the line of your lips.

2. This trick for sharp contouring

If you find contouring difficult, this trick will make it much easier. Simply use the high heel of a shoe and place it on your face along your cheekbone. Use this as a stencil for a sharp contour.

3. This helpful hint for smooth, glowing makeup

Use a piece of saran wrap on your face and apply products like foundation, cream blush, and contour onto it. Then flip it over so the product is on your face. Remove the wrap and blend. You will be left with smooth, shining, natural-looking makeup.

4. This trick to get a sculpted stomach

Simply wrap your abdomen in plastic wrap and leave it on for a while. When you remove it, your stomach will look more toned.

5. These DIY heatless curls

Using the cord of a robe, place it on your head and wrap your hair around it on each side. Secure with hairbands and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove it, and you will find perfect heatless curls.

6. This simple lipstick tip

Put a Q-tip between your lips while you apply your lipstick. This will catch any mess and ensure perfect, neat coverage of the makeup.

7. This nifty hair trick for greasy hair days

On those days when your hair is greasy, but you don’t have time to wash it, try this trick — simply use hair gel to pull it back into a bun, and the gel will create a clean and shiny look.

8. This curious lipstick hack

You can use this idea for a strong matte lip look. Put a tissue over your lips and apply the lip color, then powder, on top of the tissue. When you remove it, your lips underneath will be ready.

9. This easy French manicure tip

Paint a line of nail polish on the heel of your hand. Press the top of each nail into it for a quick and simple French tip manicure.

10. This tip for 2-second eyeliner

Dip your nail into liquid eyeliner, and then run your nail outward from the corner of your eye. In one simple movement, this will create a dreamy winged eyeliner look without any stress.

11. This easy-as-pie eyebrow hack

If you’ve ever spent ages making sure your eyebrows look just right, this tip is for you. Put your fingertip in some eyeshadow that’s a similar hue to your brows. Then run your finger once over each brow. Clear away any mess under and over your brows with a Q-tip, and you’re ready to go.

12. This genius nail polish trick

Use a peel-off mask around the edge of each fingernail. Paint your nails, and after the polish is dry, peel the mask off, and you will be left with completely neat nails — the mask will catch any mess or mistakes!

13. This idea to get shorter hair without cutting it

If you’ve ever wanted to cut your hair way shorter but have been too nervous to do so, this is for you. Use a ribbon and tie it in a knot right at the bottom of your hair. Then pull it up so that your hair is folded in half, and tie the ribbon on top of your head to secure it. Immediately, your hair will look shorter!

14. This trick for fake freckles

Put some foundation on a toothpick. Use this to draw some little dots of foundation on your finger. Then dab your finger across your cheeks and the bridge of your nose for a freckled look.

Have you tried any of these? What are your go-to beauty tricks? Please share in the comments!

Preview photo credit 5-Minute Crafts DIY/Youtube


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