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14 True Events That Made People Question Everything and Everyone
Our brains sometimes play tricks on us, filling our heads with lingering questions. While some of life’s mysteries remain unsolved no matter how hard we try to rationalize them, other times, we may interpret them in our own way and quickly jump to false conclusions. In this article, we’ve compiled eerie and sometimes hair-raising experiences that left people pondering for some time.
- Dad lost his job at the bank when I was 13. We were so poor that some days, I'd go to school without food. One day, on my way home, I saw Dad in a really nice red car with a blonde girl beside him.
The next day, I waited at the same spot and saw them again, in the same car. This time, I followed them, and to my horror, they stopped, and I saw the woman hugging my dad.
That night, I confronted him. He turned to me, and suddenly I saw his eyes become teary. He said, "Son, I’ve been working as a driving instructor to help pay for our family." I asked him and Mom why they hadn’t told me. She explained that they didn’t want to add to my worries.
Ever since Dad lost his job, I knew he’d been working double shifts at a fast food joint, and I was always concerned about his health, which was already fragile. They knew I’d worry even more if I found out he was taking on another job. My parents were trying to protect me.
I’ll always remember them as the most devoted Mom and Dad a kid could ask for, both for me and my four siblings. It taught me an unforgettable lesson: never be quick to judge and never jump to conclusions.

- When I was a kid, I woke up one night (or at least I think I did) and heard a flute playing. It sounded like it was coming from right outside my window. As it played, I started to see musical notes appear in front of me.
It was so surreal. I wasn't afraid; it was more peaceful than anything. I don't know if I was actually awake or just dreaming, but it was definitely an experience. © EHHH_II / Reddit
- When I was about 15, I went to get into bed around 1 AM. I looked outside, and everything flashed white—like everything went to a negative effect for about 1 second. I fell back in my bed, and about 1–2 seconds later, it was 7 AM.
I was just as tired as I had felt a few seconds before. I've tried telling people; it's nothing serious, but I have no idea what happened. © lol-seems-legit / Reddit
- Sometimes, right after I wake up—from a nap or from sleeping—I hear my family members talking in another room, but it sounds like a language I've never heard before, as if they don't know I'm awake yet and forget themselves... © SrpskaZemlja / Reddit
- I once had a classmate walk into the school cafeteria and stand literally four feet away from me, looking around as if she were searching for someone. I waved at her, but she just walked away without acknowledging me at all. Later that day, I asked her about it, and she just said she didn't notice me when looking.
This, coupled with the fact that earlier that week one of my teachers had failed to notice I existed and was in the classroom for an entire day, made me seriously consider if I could unintentionally make myself invisible. © Unknown author / Reddit
- I have detailed and vivid memories of several episodes of a TV show that never existed.
I searched for this show for quite some time. When the internet advanced enough to definitively prove it never existed, it rocked my world and made me realize how fragile memory and perception are. © zeplock22 / Reddit
- On daily walks (which included passing by a cemetery), I'd often see a woman dressed in black who would sit in a folding chair for hours on end, day after day, at the grave of her husband.
I spoke to her a few times, just to say hello and to see if she was okay. She told me that ''there was more life being at her deceased husband's grave than back home being alone.'' © Unknown author / Reddit
- This has happened twice. I was in the kitchen at night, and the blinds were closed, but I was to the side of them, so I could see out between the wall and the curtain.
Out of nowhere, everything I could see outside just illuminated. There's a sensor light on my garage, but I know that wasn't it. I could clearly see everything in my view—my back garden, the trees in the fields behind my house, even the hills kilometers away. To this day, it still terrifies me. © Scary-Brandon / Reddit
- At the absolute nadir of my life—my dad in the hospital, broke as could be, recently fired, recently cheated on, etc.—I met the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world.
She was in my life for about 2 weeks before she mysteriously disappeared as quickly as she showed up, but I can't help but wonder if her presence served some greater purpose in my will to survive. © binarynightmare / Reddit
- I had a really good dream about a charming guy kissing me, then suddenly, at the end of the dream, he turned into an ugly man. I instantly woke up, and hours later, I called my friend. I didn't even mention the dream because I was too embarrassed, of course. He basically said, "You're welcome for the dream, sorry the end turned out that way." © k***eroftherose / Reddit
- Whenever I finish using my earbuds, I can still hear whatever I was listening to very clearly. It sounds as if I never took out my earbuds. Whenever this happens, I always put my finger in my ear to make sure I took them out. © LordofCalamity / Reddit
- A few days ago, I woke up and said to my wife, "I just had the strangest dream. I dreamed I was on the Titanic." She said, "...so did I."
The freaky part was when we looked at the news and saw that it was 100 years to the day since it sank. And no, we hadn't seen any articles about it previously. © Hackrid / Reddit
- I was throwing my dog's chew toy, and it landed behind the couch. I leaned the couch like normal to look for it, but it was nowhere to be found. I looked so much that I eventually lifted the whole couch, took apart the cushions, and checked everywhere I could.
For years now, that thing has been lost, and I can only assume there is a wormhole or glitch in the matrix behind that couch. © SmurfSawce / Reddit
- One time several years ago, I was walking home from the train station. Then suddenly, I saw myself from above—just casually walking for about 100 meters. I couldn't see what was in front of me; it was like GTA 3.
When I realized it, I was back in my body. It was really weird. It felt like someone was watching over me, and for a moment, I took their place. © FunnyButWeird / Reddit
As adults, we often overanalyze things, but kids are the opposite. They say things without really thinking or fully understanding, which can sometimes put their parents in mortifying situations—just like in this compilation.
Said Son How Old Was She When He Attempted to send her and her Only friend up to Fly? And You Never Even Knew That Was You. 🍁👩❤️👩👱

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