15+ Celebrities Who Ordinary People, Not Magazines, Found Most Attractive

2 years ago

Many magazines publish their own lists of the most attractive celebrities, but ordinary people don’t agree with these lists sometimes. The users of Reddit decided to make their own list of the most attractive celebrities.

At Bright Side, we couldn’t even imagine what this list would look like: who will be at the top of it, who will be in the middle, and who’ll be at the bottom. So, we were pretty surprised by the results.

15. Natalie Portman

14. Mila Kunis

13. Eva Green

12. Karen Gillan

  • I’ve seen her in person, I was way too broke to meet her, but I was at a convention and seeing her felt like actually seeing royalty. © gracecrausen / Reddit

11. Margot Robbie

10. Matt Bomer

  • There is not a single scene or angle in White Collar where he doesn’t look like the heavens crafted him in the glimmering sunlight. © camlop / Reddit

9. Danny DeVito

8. Kate Beckinsale

7. Marisa Tomei

6. Jennifer Connelly

5. Monica Bellucci

4. Ana de Armas

  • I wouldn’t be surprised to find out her parents were the best looking people in the world before she existed. © Stillwindows95 / Reddit

3. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz

2. Henry Cavill

  • I’ve never known a celebrity with such universal attractiveness. I think Cavill is attractive to anyone and everyone, and I think that’s lovely. © TheFlyingBogey / Reddit
  • The thing about Henry Cavill is that not only is he very handsome, he’s also intelligent, charismatic, and comes across as genuinely sweet. © grizznuggets / Reddit

1. Michael Fassbender

Who else would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments below.


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