15 Celebrities Who Were Movie Brides More Than Once and Looked Stunning Every Time

year ago

Most of us only get one wedding in our lives, and it’s the most special day that we remember fondly. But imagine if you got to try out all different styles of dresses and wedding venues throughout your life. For some actors, this is their reality. Some celebs have played brides in movies more than once, and each time they looked stunning, proving that there is no “right” way to have a wedding and that every bride is beautiful.

At Bright Side, we love celebrating love and marriage, so we’ve compiled this list of our favorite celebs who played movie brides more than once.

1. Julia Roberts

2. Reese Witherspoon

3. Jennifer Lopez

4. Keira Knightley

5. Kate Hudson

6. Drew Barrymore

7. Cameron Diaz

8. Natalie Portman

9. Rachel McAdams

10. Kirsten Dunst

11. Amanda Seyfried

12. Sarah Jessica Parker

13. Anne Hathaway

14. Katherine Heigl

15. Kristen Stewart

Which of these movie wedding dresses is your favorite? What did your wedding dress look like? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


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