15 Cool Inventions That Can Make You Want to Open Your Wallet

4 years ago

All of us promise ourselves that we’ll be more rational about our finances and to finally become Scrooge McDuck and have our own vaults, but then we see some really cool things and we just can’t fight the impulse to buy them. But after all, the things we like to see, make our lives better.

We at Bright Side are still not sure what we want more: the cat bag or octopus-shaped teabags. Here is a list of cool things. Choose whatever you want!

1. Cat bag

2. Temporary tattoos that look like real ones

3. Saki glasses that look like tiny galaxies when they have something inside of them

4. Animal-shaped teabags

5. Cute flowerpots

6. Eco-friendly cardboard tents that can protect you from the rain

7. A backpack with wings

8. Bear-shaped bread

9. A designer house for cat

10. Sand molds that look like sleeping cats

11. A wine glass holder with a suction cup

12. A puzzle with a photo of your own pet

13. “These baguette pens I bought in Paris”

14. “My husband and I discovered you can get photo shower curtains.”

15. Bacon-looking bandage

Would you buy a bandage that looks like bacon?

Preview photo credit Elatedonion / Reddit


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