15+ Kids That Made Their Parents Cry-Laugh Without Even Realizing It

Family & kids
2 years ago

Scientists discovered that such a simple thing that we don’t even consider in our daily life as laughter is actually a communication tool for babies. Small children and their caregivers both use it, and as the infant grows, the amount of their laughter increases, too. By the age of two, kids laugh about 18 times per hour. With that, parents also have many reasons to laugh about when children are around.

We at Bright Side found some pics of hilarious kids that internet users shared.

1. “My eccentric 3-year-old daughter asked to be Joker.”

2. “I think my daughter has the evil eye stare down to a pat.”

3. “First time I rode a bike I demanded to wear safety goggles.”

4. “My newborn looks like Kevin from The Office.”

5. “My daughter is really nailing these combos. While Action Dad is home with kids, Pregnant Barbie mom is rocking the astronaut business.”

6. “My 1-year-old determined to lift the 12lb medicine ball after seeing his older brother do it.”

7. “My six-year-old daughter decided to prank her kindergarten teacher.”

8. “My daughter activated the TV remote’s voice control.”

9. “My 6-year-old daughter is really developing as an artist!”

10. “15 minutes later they’re still looking for it!”

11. “My daughter put a package of ramen in her school lunchbox yesterday.”

12. “My two lovely, brilliant, bright sons. One playing a game on the iPad, the other... chewing on the remote control?!”

13. “Little me running away from Roger Rabbit”

14. “Dada, will you untangle my pasghetti?”

15. “My son wanted a glow stick to sleep with tonight. Not going to say no to that interesting request.”

16. “My morning walk with Rick.”

17. “My husband may have gone too far in dressing our son like an old man for school today.”

18. “It’s been a long hard day at daycare.”

19. “My 1-year-old saying goodbye to me this morning”

What funny things have your children done? Do you remember anything hilarious from your childhood?

Preview photo credit SuperDingus1 / Imgur


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