15+ Kitties That Will Put a Smile on Your “Monday Morning” Face

4 years ago

The hectic lives we lead nowadays tend to bring on quite a bit of stress and worry. The good thing is that there are many ways to fight it that everyone chooses for themselves. Still, there is one universal method that can boost the mood of the gloomiest person: kitties, especially if they’re small.

We at Bright Side collected a bunch of the cutest kitties to help you fight the autumn blues and simply have another reason to smile today.

“This is my life meow.”

“The moment she became a daddy’s girl.”

Fierce tiger roaring

When you reached your zen on your owner’s lap:

Itty bitty kitter

“Capture me, human. Quickly.”

“Felt cute first thing in the morning!”

A sweet couple of zzzzz-leepers

“His favorite spot while waiting for the vet!”

“Welcome home, Betty!”

“First time checking out his new cat tree!”

“This small kitty is a thief! She stole my heart and I don’t even want it back. She can have it and anything else she wants!”

Comfy pumpkin

Under house arrest

Paws up!

A criminal attempting to evade arrest by hiding behind a boot!

“Are the pillows huge or is my kitty just small?”

“Human, how can you be sleeping? I’m hungry!”

Illegally small and exhausted

“My 1.5-month-old kittie”

Are you a happy owner of a kitty? Please do share their photos with us to boost everyone’s mood even more!

Preview photo credit potentiallycinematic / Reddit


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