16 Thrift Store Finds That Prove You Shouldn’t Spend a Bunch of Money on the Interior of Your Dreams

Mysterious objects discovered by online users can be intriguing. The subreddit r/whatisthisthing is a well-liked forum where users post images of unidentified objects and request assistance figuring out what they are. These objects often include vintage tools, devices, unusual artifacts, and unidentifiable creatures.
Answer: Looks like a very old belt fishermen and anglers wear to sit the end of their fishing rods in when reeling in something big.
Answer: It’s a 5 pennyweight. Pennyweights were and are used in weighing precious metals and are still used by dentists to measure the metal used in dental crowns, etc.
Answer: I believe it’s for grabbing and pulling in a fishing net.
Answer: The flat tail makes me want to say flying squirrel. It probably fell into the sewer vent on your roof.
Answer: It’s a blown transformer smoke ring.
Answer: “It’s an old telegraph-style insulator.”
Answer: Looks like a mud dauber nest. Those wasps generally don’t bother humans unless humans bother them first. It looks abandoned, though, as the hatchlings have already left the nest. It should peel off.
Answer: Total guess: there is/was a shop there. The larger top portion of the door opens to leave the lower part as a counter to pass goods across. The smaller door is how the shopkeeper gets in and out.
Answer: The glass is supposed to focus the light in a specific direction. Candles are relatively dim, which helped to use them for work, reading, etc.
Answer: “It’s a mesh bed bug detector. The red light means it has caught bugs.”
Answer: It’s a rack for all those elephant-shaped napkin rings.
Answer: It is a ceiling mount. Ikea had a whole line of these swings with hardwood components. Swings, Trapezes, Gymnastic rings, etc.
Answer: They are carpenter bee traps.
Answer: Looks like a display for baseball hats.
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