15+ Optical Illusions That Made Our Brain Just Say “How?”

2 years ago

Optical illusions can happen when our eyes and brain speak to one another in a simple language but the actual interpretation gets mixed up. Scientists still don’t know exactly how is this possible and how a regular image can confuse us and seem like it’s moving.

We at Bright Side have a collection of still images that won’t look so passive once you start staring at them.

1. The ball is just floating there...

2. We were able to stop one circle from moving.

3. It looks like the peacock is growing too fast...

4. Wavy squares...

5. You need to scroll to see them moving.

6. It’s like the balls have a mind of their own.

7. We are getting introduced to a new comic book...

8. We are going down...

9. They can’t stop rotating...

10. So hypnotic...

11. Around and around the poll

12. Not sure if it’s a hallway or just a distorted pyramid...

13. We can’t decide which way they are rolling.

14. If you focus well enough, some sections will stop moving.

15. Just like a black hole.

16. We still can’t reach the end...

Which one confused you the most? Did you see the lines in #5 moving?

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