15 Painfully Awkward Things People Have Done to Impress Someone

month ago

We can all do crazy things to impress our dream girl or boy, and the following users have also proved it. From doing dangerous stuff to being ridiculous, it seems like there is nothing people wouldn't do to get the attention of their chosen one. We made a collection of the most entertaining confessions that were shared by some brave users.

  • "I gave myself a third-degree burn to impress a girl. It was high school, and a group of us were sitting around and being stupid. She was a little bit goth, I was not.
    Anyway, somebody brought up giving themselves a smiley face with a lighter. She says something about how neat she had never heard of it. So I being a 16-year-old male said, 'I'll show you how it works.'
    So I took a modified butane lighter that was changed, so the flame is way too big. And I hold that flame on for a long time. And then I push the metal end onto my arm." Asterion7 / Reddit
  • [edited] "I fell hard for a guy in high school, but he lived far away from me. I talked with him and found out he has a scar he is ashamed of, one so bad that he would never take off his shirt.
    So I thought it would be a great idea to use a black marker, highlight all the scars on my body, take some pictures, and write him a letter saying, 'We all have scars - it doesn't make you any less handsome.' Must have worked, we're married now." omniumamore/Reddit
  • "I was wearing sky-high heels and a mini skirt for a date, focusing so hard on walking in the stupid shoes, that I smacked face-first into a tree, exposing my cute little thong for all to see. My date was amused, and very chivalrous when helping me up...
    My date is also my husband-to-be, so it worked out, but he tells this story to everyone..." HexxVonDoom/Reddit
  • "Fourth grade. I stole all of my sister's jewelry and gave it to a blonde-haired/blue-eyed girl. She refused my offer, and I went home and put it all back in her jewelry box. Every time I saw my sister wearing jewelry, it reminded me of my rejection." Thousands_of_Spiders/Reddit
  • "In about 4th grade, our entire class was obsessed with play fighting in the snow. One recess, a girl that I had a crush on decided to join in with the boys and I being a yellow belt at Jujitsu decided to show off my new throw on her. Little did I know, she had some sort of brittle bone disorder. She walked with crutches for months and left the school a year later." danman380/Reddit
  • "Went to donate blood with a girl I was kinda into, it was a stupid idea since I suffer from hemophobia. But I thought I could soldier through it and impress her with my bravery, which of course I couldn't and instead pretty much fainted already when they pricked my finger to determine my blood levels." thirdguyfromtheleft/Reddit
  • "My girlfriend (now ex) and I were walking along a small hill that had a stream at the bottom when she accidentally dropped her bag. I casually climbed down, grabbed her bag (it didn't fall in the water), and started moving back up.
    Turns out there was a wasp nest down there. I managed to get out of there, but not without receiving four stings to the ankles. Not worth it at all." EverythingsTemporary/Reddit
  • "I live in a ski town and most (all?) of the guys I had crushes on in middle school skied, as do I. One day I was skiing with a guy I was into, and I thought that powder spraying him would impress him. It was a bad idea.
    The snow was sticky and wet and my skis caught in the snow and I fell onto him, knocking him over with me on top. The worst part is I did the same thing to another guy a year or two later..." Emm03/Reddit
  • "I liked this girl when I was in 3rd grade. One day while at recess I saw her and her friends in the distance walking in my direction. Immediately, I began brainstorming as to what I could do to impress her.
    Nearby were the playground's monkey bars. The choice became clear: I would jump to the infamous third monkey bar. I took my place and waited for her friends to get close enough to make sure my amazing athletic feat would not go unnoticed. They were getting closer, and closer, talking amongst themselves but unaware of the boy at the monkey bars.
    Oh, but they soon would be. The time had come, and I jumped. My little arms desperately reached for the third monkey bar as I sprung forward. Success!
    I clung to the monkey bar and held on for dear life. My triumph was short-lived, as the collision between my knee and her forehead knocked her flat on her back. We didn't talk much after that." Fireteeth/Reddit
  • "I watched 3 seasons of Vampire Diaries to have another thing to talk about with the girl I was crushing on a few years ago. It's pretty much the TV version of Twilight." ccai/Reddit
  • "In 10th grade, I asked my crush for her number - except I had already memorized it after getting it from a friend. As she recited it, I instinctively blurted out the last digits. She froze and asked, 'How did you know that?'
    And all I could think to say was, 'Lucky guess!' She gave me a weird look but didn’t push it. We started texting after that, and somehow, despite my awkward slip-up, we became close.
    A few weeks later, she laughed about how I’d guessed her number. 'You’re either a psychic or a stalker,' she joked. I went with a psychic. We ended up dating for a year. To this day, I still can’t hear her number without cringing a little."
  • "One day, many years ago, to show off how manly I was to my then-girlfriend, I rugby-tackled her. I don't know why I did it, but I had just finished a rugby training session and for some reason, I thought it was a good idea.
    The worst thing was that I did it in the sixth form common form in front of most of my year, and she ended up hitting her head on a bunch of chairs. My friends were like, 'What are you doing?', luckily they don't mention it now. Interestingly, me and said girlfriend continued dating for another 3 years after this incident." chivealive/Reddit
  • "I liked a girl from around 1st to 5th grade... She was the girl I'd chase around at recess and terrorize whenever I could, cause girls like that stuff when they're young...
    Well, in 4th grade we went on a bowling trip and I found a gold bracelet on the ground in the parking lot in good condition. At recess, a group of friends and I walked up to her group of friends and I gave it to her... she took the bracelet, said ew, and threw it in the woods. Everyone laughed but me." glaigas/Reddit
  • "Back in the day, I had a huge crush on the girl who sat in front of me in history class. She told me one day that I'd look cute with a pierced ear. WELL, that weekend I went to the mall and got it pierced. I was so excited and when Monday rolled around I went to class.
    I tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around. 'Notice anything different?' I said, waiting for her to jump me right then and there in class. 'Oh, you got your ear pierced. That's cute' she said, turning back around to talk to her friend.
    I took it out shortly after and can still feel where it was. To this day, I still have a little scar to remind me what an incredible loser I was." Kingofkeith/Reddit
  • "I read the whole Twilight series for a girl." fish629/Reddit

Most of us can get in an embarrassing situation without any special reason as you can find in our previous collection of 10 Embarrassing Stories People Wish They Had Kept to Themselves.


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